I'm not super proud of this birth story, but it is something I want Samuel to know about when he gets older. I am proud that I did it the way I did it, just not too proud of how I handled it. I'm so glad I experienced labor without medication, but in no way will I ever do it again. Labor without medication that it. I do plan on going through labor at least one more time.
Samuel Malachi
December 5th 1:48 pm
7 lbs. 5.9 oz. 20 inches
I went in for my induction at 7am. We sat in the waiting room until around 8am waiting for our room. I was taken in and asked a million questions. My dr. came in around 8:20 to break my water but the nurse hadn't started my IV yet so they had to wait. At 9:15 while I was waiting for my dr. to come back in they started my on pitocin. By 10:00 I was having regular contractions. My dr. came in around 10:30 and asked if I wanted to get the epidural before or after my water was broken. I told her I just wanted to make sure I got it while I still had time. My sister waited to late and had to deliver without medication. She said she would go ahead and call the anestheiologist and order my epidural before breaking my water. The epidural was really painful this time. Greg almost passed out on my twice. He literally had to leave the room. He was white as a ghost. I felt bad for him, but also thought it was pretty funny. When he got done with the epidural I had a feeling it wasn't right, but things were going numb, so I decided it was probably fine. The dr. came in and broke my water around 11:30. I was 3 cm dilated. I continued to feel pain in my back and pressure in my belly, so the anestheiologist was called back in. He said the baby was probably laying on my siatic nerve and the pain would go away as soon as he was past it. A few minutes later I told the nurse I felt like I had to push so she checked me and I was 4 cm. They turned me on my side to see if they could get the epidural to take effect everywhere. The pain only got worse with that. By this time I am really breathing hard through the contractions (with an epidural). Greg said he had never seen me like that. Again they called the anestheiologist back. My dr. came in at this time too. The anestheiologist told her that the pain was just my siactic. Greg asked the dr. if I could have IV drugs since the epidural wasn't working. I guess they gave me some, but not sure what they gave me. By this point I am starting to scream that I had to push. I felt so much pressure. The contractions were so painful. My dr. kept telling the anestheiologist that the pain I was having was not my siactic! They turned the pitocin off and I am yelling through every contraction. The dr. checks me and I am 6cm. I keep telling her I have to push. She said push it will help the rest of your cervix go away. The anestheiologist and the nurses are telling me to breathe through it and the dr. is telling them to shut up and for me to push. I felt the baby drop further down and started yelling that I didn't want to feel that again. The dr. said I know, but you have too. I don't know what time it was when the dr. checked me again, but she said, we need to get things ready or she is going to have this baby on the bed. About 7 nurses started running around my room getting things set up. It was a little scary, but I was in too much pain to care. Greg kept telling me of my progress. "Ok, his head is half way out, keep going". Ok, here comes the rest of it, ok, his head is out. " I was freaking out at this point, Begging God to help me and cussing like I've never cussed before at the same time. It felt like an out of body experience. My body was doing on thing while my mind was thinking another. It's almost like it couldn't control it. Finally the dr. said "Emily, look at me. One more push and he is out" So I gave it everything I had and out came Samuel Malachi at 1:48 pm. From first contraction to delivery it was 4 1/2 hours. Pretty darn fast. The medicine they gave me didn't take away any of the pain. I felt it all! I guess whatever they gave me through the IV did have and effect on me though because as soon as he was out I felt like I couldn't keep my eyes open. I was literally falling asleep on the bed. That only lasted until they put my beautiful boy in my arms. AMAZING! Thank God for a healthy baby!!
My name is Emily. I have been married to Greg for 11 years. We have 3 beautiful boys, Nathan Gregory (9 years), Elijah Montgomery (7 years) and Samuel Malachi (5 years) and our little girl Ruth Ann Ayelen (2). We live in Texas where we are in Spanish ministry.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
It's almost over.
Well, I've been off bedrest for over 3 weeks now and still no baby! Who would have ever thought that I would still be pregnant at the end of November?!! I never ever entertained the thought that I wouldn't have a baby in my arms for Thanksgiving. I guess that is something to be thankful for though because now I know he will be very healthy and he will come home from the hospital with me.
This has been a pretty difficult pregnancy for me. I don't know if it's because I have two little ones at home already or for some other reason. The bedrest was difficult, but it seems to have gotten harder since coming off the bedrest. I think having the doctor tell me so many times that she didn't expect me to make it to my next appt. has something to do with it too. She kept telling me that I would deliver Samuel before I delivered either of the boys. Well, she was wrong on that one. I've never gotten this far in a pregnancy before. I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow! UNREAL!! I'm so tired of not getting a good nights sleep. I know that won't change when the baby comes, but at least the sleep I will get will be comfortable sleep. Right now it's a battle to find a comfortable position to sleep in. I'm tired of being out of breath all the time, of having to squat so I can reach what is on the floor (sometimes it's still a struggle). I don't remember having all of these difficulties with Nate and Eli. Odd since I feel like I am smaller with this baby than with the boys.
As difficult as this pregnancy has been I feel extremely blessed that Samuel is coming to join our family. He is already teaching me so many things. Like patience!! Well, the wait is almost over. I went to the dr. on Monday and asked her is she would be so kind and to encourage this kid to come out. She has scheduled me for an induction on Tuesday, December 5th. So if Samuel decides to stay in until then his birthday will be December 5th. I'm so excited!! I can't wait to hold my precious baby boy! I can't wait to see if he looks like Nate or Eli or if he looks completely different. How big will he be? Will he have hair or be bald?
I'm also a little nervous about the delivery. Ok, I'm a lot nervous! I was laying in bed the other day thinking about the pain and then thinking about getting the epidural to get rid of the pain. OUCH!!! Thanks a lot EVE!! I told Greg the other day that child birth is the worst pain that we inflict on ourselves. There is nothing natural that is more painful, yet we keep going back for more. I'm not sure if that makes us stupid, ignorant, dumb, or the most loving creatures ever. Probably all of the above. Anyway, as the time for Samuel to enter the world draws near there are a few things I would like to say to him.
Samuel, even though we have not met face to face yet I want you to know that you have already brought me more joy that you know. With each little movement I am reminded what a miracle you are and how amazing our God is!! Even with all of the difficulties this pregnancy has held I wouldn't change a thing. Because of all of the uncertainty you are even that much more of a miracle. God has answered my prayers by allowing you to grow strong and healthy while remaining inside of me. When you come out to join our family and as you grow, please remember how much your mommy and daddy and big brothers love you, but most of all remember how much your heavenly Father loves you. He brought you into this world for a reason. It may take a long time to figure out what that reason is, but you have a purpose. I love you sweet boy and I can't wait to hold you in my arms and kiss your sweet little face! God Bless you little one!
This has been a pretty difficult pregnancy for me. I don't know if it's because I have two little ones at home already or for some other reason. The bedrest was difficult, but it seems to have gotten harder since coming off the bedrest. I think having the doctor tell me so many times that she didn't expect me to make it to my next appt. has something to do with it too. She kept telling me that I would deliver Samuel before I delivered either of the boys. Well, she was wrong on that one. I've never gotten this far in a pregnancy before. I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow! UNREAL!! I'm so tired of not getting a good nights sleep. I know that won't change when the baby comes, but at least the sleep I will get will be comfortable sleep. Right now it's a battle to find a comfortable position to sleep in. I'm tired of being out of breath all the time, of having to squat so I can reach what is on the floor (sometimes it's still a struggle). I don't remember having all of these difficulties with Nate and Eli. Odd since I feel like I am smaller with this baby than with the boys.
As difficult as this pregnancy has been I feel extremely blessed that Samuel is coming to join our family. He is already teaching me so many things. Like patience!! Well, the wait is almost over. I went to the dr. on Monday and asked her is she would be so kind and to encourage this kid to come out. She has scheduled me for an induction on Tuesday, December 5th. So if Samuel decides to stay in until then his birthday will be December 5th. I'm so excited!! I can't wait to hold my precious baby boy! I can't wait to see if he looks like Nate or Eli or if he looks completely different. How big will he be? Will he have hair or be bald?
I'm also a little nervous about the delivery. Ok, I'm a lot nervous! I was laying in bed the other day thinking about the pain and then thinking about getting the epidural to get rid of the pain. OUCH!!! Thanks a lot EVE!! I told Greg the other day that child birth is the worst pain that we inflict on ourselves. There is nothing natural that is more painful, yet we keep going back for more. I'm not sure if that makes us stupid, ignorant, dumb, or the most loving creatures ever. Probably all of the above. Anyway, as the time for Samuel to enter the world draws near there are a few things I would like to say to him.
Samuel, even though we have not met face to face yet I want you to know that you have already brought me more joy that you know. With each little movement I am reminded what a miracle you are and how amazing our God is!! Even with all of the difficulties this pregnancy has held I wouldn't change a thing. Because of all of the uncertainty you are even that much more of a miracle. God has answered my prayers by allowing you to grow strong and healthy while remaining inside of me. When you come out to join our family and as you grow, please remember how much your mommy and daddy and big brothers love you, but most of all remember how much your heavenly Father loves you. He brought you into this world for a reason. It may take a long time to figure out what that reason is, but you have a purpose. I love you sweet boy and I can't wait to hold you in my arms and kiss your sweet little face! God Bless you little one!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Well, it's been a week since I've been off bedrest. Everyone thought I would have this baby a couple of days after I got up and around, but so far nothing. Nothing significant anyway. I've had a couple of nights this week that I thought for sure we were having a baby, but then teh contractions just quit. I did a little bit of research on something called prodromal labor and it seems to be what I have.
Often in the past prodromal labor has been given the misnomer "false labor", yet every woman experiencing it has said in frustration "There's nothing false about what I'm feeling!" The misunderstanding has arisen because prodromal labor can feel very much like active labor, yet is not consistently progressive; it does not lead without a break to the birth of the baby. It does, though, serve an important function in the birth process. Prodromal labor does the preliminary work of preparing the uterus, baby and cervix for birth. All of this work has to be done before the baby can be born. Some women's bodies do it all without her being aware of it. However, some women's bodies draw a great deal of attention to the work being done. Too much sometimes.
"This is driving me crazy," one pregnant mother sighed. "I've been having contractions off and on now for three days. Just when I think it's time to call my midwife, they completely stop again!"
Prodromal labor contractions may begin hours or even days before active labor.
The contractions may feel like Braxton Hicks contractions or they may be quite a bit stronger.
They are irregular in length, frequency and intensity. The key word here is irregular. In general though, they are not longer than a minute and not more frequent than 7 to 10 minutes apart. They shouldn't be so intense that they take your breath away.
They may or may not be affected by your activity. The wisest course is to vary your activity level, alternating periods of mild activity with rest.
Physical Effects:
The cervix is moving from a posterior (back) position to an anterior (forward) position.
The cervix is softening.
The cervix is beginning its effacement or thinning. It may thin anywhere from 0% to 50% during this stage.
You may lose your mucous plug from the cervix.
Your cervix may begin to dilate, opening anywhere from 1 to 4 centimeters.
Emotional Effects:
You may be quite excited when you first feel these contractions, especially if they are stronger than any you've had until now.
As time goes on and the contractions continue without any apparent progress you may feel let down and eventually become quite tired and discouraged.
This described exactly how I've been feeling. Once the contractions were so strong I was in tears. I'm encouraging this kiddo to make is appearance by being really active. Lots of cleaning and walking. And other things I won't mention. I even made "labor brownies" today. The ingredients are the same as in regular brownies, so I'm not putting much hope in these. Although I am convinced that eating BBQ pork ribs sent me into labor with Eli. Maybe I'll try that again. I still have 4 weeks to go in the pregnancy, so I still have some time, I'm just getting impatient because I expected him to be here already. I am 35 weeks 3 days today. Nate was born at 35 weeks 3 days and Eli at 36 weeks 6 days, so I'm pretty sure we will have a baby within the next 2 weeks. He could surprise me though.
I'm just so happy to finally be able to get off the couch and clean my kitchen and do the laundry and spank the kids! Who thought I'd ever say that?!! I think the kdis are probably happy to have their mom back too. Greg did an awesome job playing Mr. Mom, but I know he was getting sick of it. He is probably the happiest of us all!!! Thanks honey!
I think tomorrow I am going to make a trip out to the shed and get out our Christmas decorations. The kids and I will put up everything but the tree and the outside lights. Greg gets the honor of putting up the lights (his least favorite job ever!). I'm kind of thinking it would be fun to wait until Sam is born to put up the tree. Unless he decides to wait until after Thanksgiving. If he isn't here by then we are putting it up without him. Sorry buddy. I'm so anxious for Christmas. I also need to see if I can find my non-maternity clothes. I looked the other day, but didn't see them. I think I missed about 3 boxes though, so hopefully they are in there. If not I guess I'll just have to go buy some new ones. Not too many though. Greg and I are planning on going on a diet after Sam comes. Val wrote out for us what she had done and we are going to follow that. Val has lost a lot of weight and she looks awesome! WAY TO GO VAL!!! Ok, I think that is it for now. See ya!
Often in the past prodromal labor has been given the misnomer "false labor", yet every woman experiencing it has said in frustration "There's nothing false about what I'm feeling!" The misunderstanding has arisen because prodromal labor can feel very much like active labor, yet is not consistently progressive; it does not lead without a break to the birth of the baby. It does, though, serve an important function in the birth process. Prodromal labor does the preliminary work of preparing the uterus, baby and cervix for birth. All of this work has to be done before the baby can be born. Some women's bodies do it all without her being aware of it. However, some women's bodies draw a great deal of attention to the work being done. Too much sometimes.
"This is driving me crazy," one pregnant mother sighed. "I've been having contractions off and on now for three days. Just when I think it's time to call my midwife, they completely stop again!"
Prodromal labor contractions may begin hours or even days before active labor.
The contractions may feel like Braxton Hicks contractions or they may be quite a bit stronger.
They are irregular in length, frequency and intensity. The key word here is irregular. In general though, they are not longer than a minute and not more frequent than 7 to 10 minutes apart. They shouldn't be so intense that they take your breath away.
They may or may not be affected by your activity. The wisest course is to vary your activity level, alternating periods of mild activity with rest.
Physical Effects:
The cervix is moving from a posterior (back) position to an anterior (forward) position.
The cervix is softening.
The cervix is beginning its effacement or thinning. It may thin anywhere from 0% to 50% during this stage.
You may lose your mucous plug from the cervix.
Your cervix may begin to dilate, opening anywhere from 1 to 4 centimeters.
Emotional Effects:
You may be quite excited when you first feel these contractions, especially if they are stronger than any you've had until now.
As time goes on and the contractions continue without any apparent progress you may feel let down and eventually become quite tired and discouraged.
This described exactly how I've been feeling. Once the contractions were so strong I was in tears. I'm encouraging this kiddo to make is appearance by being really active. Lots of cleaning and walking. And other things I won't mention. I even made "labor brownies" today. The ingredients are the same as in regular brownies, so I'm not putting much hope in these. Although I am convinced that eating BBQ pork ribs sent me into labor with Eli. Maybe I'll try that again. I still have 4 weeks to go in the pregnancy, so I still have some time, I'm just getting impatient because I expected him to be here already. I am 35 weeks 3 days today. Nate was born at 35 weeks 3 days and Eli at 36 weeks 6 days, so I'm pretty sure we will have a baby within the next 2 weeks. He could surprise me though.
I'm just so happy to finally be able to get off the couch and clean my kitchen and do the laundry and spank the kids! Who thought I'd ever say that?!! I think the kdis are probably happy to have their mom back too. Greg did an awesome job playing Mr. Mom, but I know he was getting sick of it. He is probably the happiest of us all!!! Thanks honey!
I think tomorrow I am going to make a trip out to the shed and get out our Christmas decorations. The kids and I will put up everything but the tree and the outside lights. Greg gets the honor of putting up the lights (his least favorite job ever!). I'm kind of thinking it would be fun to wait until Sam is born to put up the tree. Unless he decides to wait until after Thanksgiving. If he isn't here by then we are putting it up without him. Sorry buddy. I'm so anxious for Christmas. I also need to see if I can find my non-maternity clothes. I looked the other day, but didn't see them. I think I missed about 3 boxes though, so hopefully they are in there. If not I guess I'll just have to go buy some new ones. Not too many though. Greg and I are planning on going on a diet after Sam comes. Val wrote out for us what she had done and we are going to follow that. Val has lost a lot of weight and she looks awesome! WAY TO GO VAL!!! Ok, I think that is it for now. See ya!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Bedrest Update
Well, I went to the dr. this morning. She is keeping me on bedrest for the next 5 1/2 weeks. She will take me off at 34 weeks (around Nov. 2nd) She expects the baby to come not long after that. Hopefully the next few weeks will fly by and before I know it I will be holding a happy and healthy baby Samuel in my arms.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Well, it's happened again. Sunday I went to the hospital in Harlingen for a Sibling Education class with Nathan. He was going to learn how to change a diaper and help out with his new baby brother. I got there and found out the class hadn't been scheduled. So Nate and I headed out to get icecream. I had been having a lot of contractions that day and decided to call my dr. while I was in Harlingen so just in case she wanted to me to go to the hospital I wouldn't have to drive all the way from Brownsville again. Well, she did tell me to go in. They hooked me up to the monitors (watches for contractions and keeps baby heartbeat). I was showing what the oncall dr. called irritability, but no contractions. She called my dr. and she wanted to admit me. Miss Nikki (the children's minister at Central) came and picked Nate up and I was transfered to the postpartum unit to be monitored. I was told that I would have steroid shots to help mature Sam's lungs faster and I would be monitored every 8 hours for 30 minutes to check on the contractions. The first night I got about 3 hours sleep with the nurses coming in to take my blood pressure and temp. And the contractions were keeping me awake, but none of them were showing up when they would put the monitors on. WIERD and ANNOYING!! Finally I got a nurse who told me that they trust what moms say over the monitors, especially if it is not their first baby. In other words, I know when I'm having a contration. Been there done that! On Tuesday I finished the steroid shots and talked to the dr. around 6:00pm. She told me that I hadn't been kept because of preterm labor, but because while I was at the hospital she wanted to go ahead and give me the steroid shots because of my history with preterm labor. I was really thankful for this and was going to ask her about it at my next appt. Anyway, I have been put on complete bedrest. All I can do it take a shower and go to the bathroom!! Really fun when you have a 4 and 2 year old at home! Greg has been awesome through all of this. He is doing the dishes and laundry and taking care of the kids. My MOPS group and a few ladies from the church have been providing meals for us. I have really been blessed by the caring and concern that people have shown us. I go to the dr. tomorrow for a reevaluation. She is going to ask about my contractions and probably make sure I haven't started to dialate. If she thinks I'm ok, then she may take me off bedrest. Truthfully I doubt that will happen though because I'm going to have to tell her that I can definately tell a difference in the contractions when I am laying down and when I get up to take a shower (or fold the occasional load of laundry. SHHHHH!). Yesterday I had to go to the store with Greg to get my WIC voucher food. I am the only one who can sign for it and I needed milk. I felt horrible for the rest of the night. We were only at the store maybe 20 minutes too. Anyway, just wanted to give you all an update. I'll update again after tomorrow appt.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Lifetime of Lasts
When I found out I was pregnant with Nate, my mom began telling me to enjoy every moment because life goes by so fast. She has reminded me of this throughout the last four years. Other too have told me how fast your children grow up. "You'll blink and they will be graduating high school." Because I have heard this so much I have really tried to treasure the moments with my boys. I told a friend the other day that I didn't want to send Nate to school yet because I knew that was the beginning of the lightning years. Once school starts it seems like life is going to go by ten times faster. I know there is nothing that I can do about it, so I have decided to enjoy my sons. Squeeze them a little tighter and hold them a little longer during hugs. Let them splash a little longer in the tub, even if it is a huge mess to clean up later. When they want my attention to turn off the TV, or let the dishes sit in the sink, or let the laundry pile up a little and listen to what their sweet voices have to say. My mom in all her wisdom has taught me to cherish my children. I can never thank her enough for that lesson. Thank you momma!
That being said, I have been reading a series of books by Karen Kingsbury with Gary Smalley. It is called the Redemption Series and I definately recommend it for anyone wanting a good read. In the fourth book of this series a mother writes a poem to her only son on the night before his wedding. As I read this poem I cried. Not just a tear here and there. I was sobbing. I read the poem to Greg and he couldn't understand half of it because I was crying so hard. I think every mom has regrets when the kids are all moved out of the house, but I am determined to have a minimal amount of them. We'll see how that works out in 20 years or so. Anyway, here is the poem. Don't let it make you sad, just let it make you appreciate your children more. Blessings to all!!
Long ago you came to me, a miracle of firsts
First smiles and teeth and baby steps, a sunbeam on the burst.
But one day you will move away and leave me to your past,
And I will be left thinking of a lifetime of your lasts.
The last time that I held a bottle to your baby lips…
Last time that I lifted you and held you on my hip…
Last time when you had a binky stuck inside your mouth…
The last time that you crawled across the floor of this old house.
Last time when you ran to me still small enough to hold,
Last time when you said you’d marry me when you grew old.
Precious, simple moments and bright flashes from the past,
Would I have held you longer if I’d known they were the last?”
Your last few hours of kindergarten, last days of first grade…
Last at bat in Little League, last colored paper made.
Last time that I tucked you in for one last midday nap…
Last time when you wore your beat-up Green Bay Packers cap.
Last time that you caught a frog in that old backyard pond…
Last time when you can barefoot across our fresh-cut lawn.
Silly scattered images to represent your past.
Would I have taken pictures if I’d known they were the last?
The last dark night you slipped in bed and slept between us two,
When last I read to you of God or Horton Hears a Who!
Last time that I smelled your hair and prayed after your shower…
Last time that we held devotions in the evening hours.
The last time you were M.J. in our games of give-and-go…
Last time that you made an angel in the melting snow.
I never even said good-bye to yesterdays long passed.
Would I have marked the moments if I’d known they were the last?
Last Piano lesson, and last soccer goal you kicked…
The last few weeks of middle school, last flowers that you picked.
Last time that you needed me for rides from here to there…
Last time that you spent the night with that old tattered bear.
Last time that I helped you with a math or spelling test,
Last time when I shouted that your room was still a mess.
Time and life moved quicker, taking pieces of your past.
Would I have stretched the moments if I’d known they were the last?
The last time that you needed help with details of a dance…
Last time that you asked me for advice about romance.
Last time that you talked to me about your hopes and dreams.
Last time that you wore a jersey for your high school team.
I watched you grow and never noticed seasons as they passed.
I wish I could’ve frozen time to hold on to your lasts.
For come tomorrow morning life will never be the same.
You’ll pledge forever to your girl, and she will take your name.
And I will watch you knowing God had blessed you with this day
I never would have wanted, son, to somehow make you stay.
They say a son’s a son until he takes for him a wife.
You’re grown-up now; it’s time to go and start your brand-new life.
One last hug, one last good-bye, one quick and hurried kiss…
One last time to understand just how much you’ll be missed.
I’ll watch you leave and think how quickly childhood sped past.
Would I have held on longer if I’d know it was your last?
That being said, I have been reading a series of books by Karen Kingsbury with Gary Smalley. It is called the Redemption Series and I definately recommend it for anyone wanting a good read. In the fourth book of this series a mother writes a poem to her only son on the night before his wedding. As I read this poem I cried. Not just a tear here and there. I was sobbing. I read the poem to Greg and he couldn't understand half of it because I was crying so hard. I think every mom has regrets when the kids are all moved out of the house, but I am determined to have a minimal amount of them. We'll see how that works out in 20 years or so. Anyway, here is the poem. Don't let it make you sad, just let it make you appreciate your children more. Blessings to all!!
Long ago you came to me, a miracle of firsts
First smiles and teeth and baby steps, a sunbeam on the burst.
But one day you will move away and leave me to your past,
And I will be left thinking of a lifetime of your lasts.
The last time that I held a bottle to your baby lips…
Last time that I lifted you and held you on my hip…
Last time when you had a binky stuck inside your mouth…
The last time that you crawled across the floor of this old house.
Last time when you ran to me still small enough to hold,
Last time when you said you’d marry me when you grew old.
Precious, simple moments and bright flashes from the past,
Would I have held you longer if I’d known they were the last?”
Your last few hours of kindergarten, last days of first grade…
Last at bat in Little League, last colored paper made.
Last time that I tucked you in for one last midday nap…
Last time when you wore your beat-up Green Bay Packers cap.
Last time that you caught a frog in that old backyard pond…
Last time when you can barefoot across our fresh-cut lawn.
Silly scattered images to represent your past.
Would I have taken pictures if I’d known they were the last?
The last dark night you slipped in bed and slept between us two,
When last I read to you of God or Horton Hears a Who!
Last time that I smelled your hair and prayed after your shower…
Last time that we held devotions in the evening hours.
The last time you were M.J. in our games of give-and-go…
Last time that you made an angel in the melting snow.
I never even said good-bye to yesterdays long passed.
Would I have marked the moments if I’d known they were the last?
Last Piano lesson, and last soccer goal you kicked…
The last few weeks of middle school, last flowers that you picked.
Last time that you needed me for rides from here to there…
Last time that you spent the night with that old tattered bear.
Last time that I helped you with a math or spelling test,
Last time when I shouted that your room was still a mess.
Time and life moved quicker, taking pieces of your past.
Would I have stretched the moments if I’d known they were the last?
The last time that you needed help with details of a dance…
Last time that you asked me for advice about romance.
Last time that you talked to me about your hopes and dreams.
Last time that you wore a jersey for your high school team.
I watched you grow and never noticed seasons as they passed.
I wish I could’ve frozen time to hold on to your lasts.
For come tomorrow morning life will never be the same.
You’ll pledge forever to your girl, and she will take your name.
And I will watch you knowing God had blessed you with this day
I never would have wanted, son, to somehow make you stay.
They say a son’s a son until he takes for him a wife.
You’re grown-up now; it’s time to go and start your brand-new life.
One last hug, one last good-bye, one quick and hurried kiss…
One last time to understand just how much you’ll be missed.
I’ll watch you leave and think how quickly childhood sped past.
Would I have held on longer if I’d know it was your last?
Monday, August 28, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Things have been busy around here. Since I wrote last, we have gone to Arizona on vacation.
We went to Arizona to see Greg's grandparents, but we took a little detour. It was great, but I think I would enjoy it more if I would leave the kids with grandparents and not have to worry about them getting too close to the edge. It's a little scary for a momma. They boys enjoyed it so much too. They were both made Jr. Park Rangers. This was such an honor, especially for Nate who would go around sticking his chest out (to show everyone his Jr. Park Ranger badge) telling everyone he was a Jr. Park Ranger. When we would stop at different areas through the Oak River canyon he would always ask if there were signs. He loved looking at all of the informational signs. It really was cute!!

Now that all of our traveling is over for awhile it is time to get ready for the baby's arrival. Since I went into labor early with Nate and Eli I want to make sure everything is ready with plenty of time to spare just in case history repeats itself. I am 9 weeks away from when I went into labor with Nate and was put on bedrest until his arrival. We started painting the boys room. All 3 of them will be in the same room. I think we have a floor plan that will give us enough room to walk around. Greg is supposed to help me finish the painting today. We'll see! I have all of the baby's clothes washed. Most of them are hanging in the closet already. Nate is getting really excited. Nate likes to come up to me and put his head on my belly. He asks if he is moving and then kisses my belly. Eli has started telling people how old he is. He will say "I'm 2, Nathan is 4, and Samuel." He can't leave out Samuel even though he doesn't have a number. It's sweet.
Last night Greg was in the 2nd Annual Gospel Music Explosion. He had to send in a demo and then go play for them. He was really excited that he made the cut. We went early with him since we only have one car and it was in Harlingen. We arrived at the church around 4:00. The program started at 6:00. Our car started to overheat on our way there, so I let it cool down and then took a speeding trip to O'Reilly to see if i could get it fixed. They told me it was a dealer only part, so we will have to take it in tomorrow. We arrived back at the church around 5:45. The program started at 6:00. At 7:00 the first act had still not come on. The preacher had been talking and had a guest preacher talk and there had been some praise and worship. I assumed we ould be home around 9:00. At 9:45 there were still 4 acts to go. Ones with multiple selections as opposed to selections. I figured it could be another 45 minutes before the thing was over. We had not eaten dinner before we left. Some people from church were coming that we had not seen in awhile, so we figured we would go out to dinner with them afterward. Needless to say the kids were starving and so was I, not to mention they were so tired of sitting there they were about to go crazy. I took the kids outside. Greg followed. I told him I couldn't sit there another hour, so we were going to get food. I called my mom from the parking lot at Dairy Queen in tears. It seems like everytime we do one of these things they ended up lasting 3 hours or more. In my opinion, that is kindof overdoing it. Especially when over half the people who were there in the beginning are gone. The preacher there said, "If you are sitting there looking at your watch, you are a weak Christian". I couldn't believe he said that. As people were walking out he was calling them weak Christians. I think a lot of feelings were hurt. Maybe I am weak. But I have been here since 4:00. I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old who didn't get their full naps today. I am 7 months pregnant and none of us had dinner before we came. If we had known this thing was going to last so long we would not have come. I think sometimes people need to be more sensitive to other's time. Had Greg not been a part of the program we would have left. Anyway, I was just a bit upset. Not to mention I felt like a horrible person because I wanted to leave. We ended up leaving the church around 11:15. At 12:00 we finally crawled into bed exhausted. The program went a full 5 hours. Greg told me the people doing the program thought it went too long too which made me feel better. They didn't expect it to take that long. I just hope some things are changed for next year or I will not be attending the 3rd Annual Gospel Explosion. Sorry, didn't mean to get on a tantrum there. Greg did a great job by the way. I always get so nervous when he performs. Maybe more nervous than he is. Sometimes I find myself holding my breathe until he is done.
My parents are coming here on Sept. 10th. Mom wanted to fly on the 11th, but that didn't sound good to me. Anyway, they will be here in the evening and are staying until the evening of the 14th. I can't wait for them to see the house and all that we have done with it. I miss them so much. It will be so good to see them again. I can't wait!!!
Well, I guess that is all for now. I'll write again soon. Hopefully!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Well, things have been super busy since my last post. We went to Joplin on Sunday July 2nd. After church we came home to take quick naps before our flight left at 5:40. I was trying to sleep but heard Greg talking to Nate. I went in to see what was going on. Greg was taking sheets off Nate's bed and putting them in the washing machine. Apparently Nate threw up. I thought it was just a fluke and maybe he was just excited. He was running around acting fine. Then I was in the bathroom doing my hair when he ran in and said "Mommy I have to throw up". Luckily he made it to the toilet. Then he was running around again. He threw up a couple more times before we left for the airport. Thankfully Greg had enough foresight to put a trashcan in the car for the 30 minute drive to the airport. More throwing up in the car by Nate and this time I joined him. I think mine was just motion sickness and baby. We were standing in line to board when we again had to make a mad dash for the bathroom. I think we used about 8 barf bags on the planes. We finally arrived in Tulsa around 9:30pm. Nate was so excited to see Grandmama and Grandaddy. He was walking really fast down the long hallway when out of the blue, BARF AGAIN!!! UGGGGG!!!! Thankfully that was the last of it. He fell asleep on the way home and the next morning was perfectly fine.
The morning of the 3rd Val came over with her family. It was the first time I got to meet my new neice Addelyn Demetria. She was one month old. She is absolutely beautiful and looks just like her momma. Ari had grown so much and it was so fun to have her say "Auntie Em!" and then reach up for me. I miss them both terribly. Greg's mom and dad came over in the morning. His mom made a breakfast casserole for us. It was great!
The night of the 3rd we were having all of our best friends over to my parents for a BBQ. Valery and Stef and I went to get some fireworks for that night. On the way there I started feeling queasy. I figured it was motion sickness again. I get it really bad! We got home again and the friends were starting to arrive. I started hugging everyone, but couldn't shake the queasiness. About an hour later it was my turn!! I was so sick all night and some of the next day. It was miserable. I almost had my dad take me to the hospital because I was scared of dehydration with the baby. I missed all of the fun with the friends that night. I was so disappointed. Everyone seemed to still have a good time though.
On the 4th the whole Benson clan was there. Mom and Dad, Me and my family, Val and her family, Holly and hubby and Stef. We had so much fun. Just being together was awesome. Eli had gotten sick early in the morning, but his only lasted about 3 hours and he was fine. While shooting off fireworks Greg got sick. He only threw up once though and he was finished. We thought about cancelling his flight that was supposed to leave the next morning, but he assured us he would be fine.
The next days were full of shopping, hanging out at the pool, Texas Hold 'Em, and just enjoying each others company.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Another Precious Baby Boy!!
We found out yesterday that we are expecting another baby BOY!!!! I really thought this baby was a girl, but it's pretty obvious that I was wrong. His name will be Samuel Malachi. People keep saying, "Aww, I know you wanted that girl."
No, not necessarily. How could I go wrong with another boy! I just wanted a healthy baby and it looks like God is giving me that, so I am thrilled!!!
No, not necessarily. How could I go wrong with another boy! I just wanted a healthy baby and it looks like God is giving me that, so I am thrilled!!!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
My new business idea!
Monday, June 12, 2006
We've made a decision!
We decided on names for the baby. For those of you who say they will change, THEY WILL NOT!!! (Valery)
Ok, so here they are.
Are you ready?
Are you sure?
Do you really want to know?
Oh, never mind!
Just Kidding!!
We will be finding out at the end of July if this baby is a boy or girl. If it is a boy his name will be
Samuel Malachi
and if its a girl her name will be
Claire Elizabeth
So, what do you think? Answer: You love both names. No seriously, let me know what you think. WARNING: Your opinion will not change the names!!
We actually gave the boys the choice of the boy name (we gave them 2 to choose from) and they picked Samuel. Elizabeth was my great-great grandmothers middle name. Claire and Malachi just because I like them.
Ok, so here they are.
Are you ready?
Are you sure?
Do you really want to know?
Oh, never mind!
Just Kidding!!
We will be finding out at the end of July if this baby is a boy or girl. If it is a boy his name will be
Samuel Malachi
and if its a girl her name will be
Claire Elizabeth
So, what do you think? Answer: You love both names. No seriously, let me know what you think. WARNING: Your opinion will not change the names!!
We actually gave the boys the choice of the boy name (we gave them 2 to choose from) and they picked Samuel. Elizabeth was my great-great grandmothers middle name. Claire and Malachi just because I like them.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
6 years!!
Six years ago on June 3rd. I married the love of my life!! I can't believe it's been six years!! How time flies!! It's been a great six years and I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful man to share my life with. I love you Greg!
I'm an Aunt again!!!

Valery had her second daughter on June 1st!!! Addelyn Demetria. She is beautiful!!! It's hard to be so far away, but I will get to see her in 4 weeks!! I can't wait!! Ari seems so proud to be a big sister!! What fun!!! Valery had an all natural labor. Her water was broken at 8:00 and she delivered at 10:37!!! That's fast!! No medicine! MY HERO! Here is a picture of the new beautiful sweetheart!! Auntie Em loves you Addy! And Ari!!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Almost there!!
Well, we finally moved into our new house this week. Greg's parents came to help while he was in Chicago at a ministry seminar. It looks pretty good if I do say so myself. I'm anxious for Greg to see it! It looks so different from when he left. I'm picking him up at the airport at 7:15 tonight. The kids are going to be there to greet him, but then his parents will take the kids home and put them in bed. Greg and I will go out and eat for our 6th anniversary (June 3rd). Then I am going to surprise him by taking him to South Padre for the night. His parents are paying for it for our anniversary. How nice!! He's gonna be so surprised!!!
I had a dr. appt today for the baby! Greg's mom went with me. The dr. told me she was going to try to find the heart beat with the doppler and if she didn't hear it she would do an ultrasound. I told her I hoped she couldn't hear it so we could see the baby. She did find the heartbeat with the doppler, but gave me an ultrasound anyway since grandma was there. The baby was moving so much! I mean literally doing flips and rolling around. It was so amazing!!! The heart beat was between 160-170 which according to old wives tales means girl. I will be happy either way. Boy or girl! I just want a healthy baby! I am anxious to find out who this little one is though. Greg and I have talked about names, and we think we've decided, but he told me not to share them yet. Sorry! You'll just have to wait!
I had a dr. appt today for the baby! Greg's mom went with me. The dr. told me she was going to try to find the heart beat with the doppler and if she didn't hear it she would do an ultrasound. I told her I hoped she couldn't hear it so we could see the baby. She did find the heartbeat with the doppler, but gave me an ultrasound anyway since grandma was there. The baby was moving so much! I mean literally doing flips and rolling around. It was so amazing!!! The heart beat was between 160-170 which according to old wives tales means girl. I will be happy either way. Boy or girl! I just want a healthy baby! I am anxious to find out who this little one is though. Greg and I have talked about names, and we think we've decided, but he told me not to share them yet. Sorry! You'll just have to wait!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
For my Mom
Well it's Mother's Day and I'm 1000 miles away from my mom. I so wish I could be there to give her a big hug and thank her for all she does for me and my family. My mom is an amazing woman. She is my hero. When I grow up I want to be just like her. She is always supportive (even when it hurts to be). She's always there to listen when I'm having a bad day or when Nate dresses himself for the first time and I go on a mommy bragging spree. She loves me with an unconditional love that I'm understand more and more each day. As my children grow I understand just how hard it must have been to have 3 kids is 3 1/2 years! Somedays you just want to crawl under the blankets and pretend the kids aren't there. Then when you feel those little hands on your arm and those little lips on your cheek the whole world seems perfect! Mom, thank you for everything. I don't know how to put into words the gratitude and respect I have for you! I know you know though because you feel the same way about your mom. I love you and miss you and can't wait to see you very soon!! God Bless you today and everyday of the year!!!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Well, it's been a few weeks since I updated. I've been so tired that nothing is getting done. My house is a wreck and laundry is piled up and I don't have the energy to do anything!!! Morning sickness has starting kicking in too. I'm sick if I don't eat and I'm sick if I do!!! UGGG!!!
I found a wonderful OB doctor thanks to the boy's pediatrician who did a little research for me. She is in Harlingen which is about 20 minutes away, so when I go into labor I'll have to make sure I can make it to the hospital!! I went to my first appointment with her on Thursday. She did an ultrasound and I was so thrilled to see that little heart beating away!! I have never had a ultrasound that early with the boys so it was so neat to see such a tiny little baby!! I have a picture, but you can't really see anything. She did confirm my due date for December 18th, but said that with my history of early deliveries she expected the baby around the 1st of December. Maybe the baby will come on Greg's birthday (December 2nd). That would be neat since I found out I was pregnant on my birthday.
We are supposed to close on our house on May 8th. Things are crazy!! So many last things to take care of. Hopefully we can get it all done in time so we don't lose the house! The sellers are already threatening to put it back on the market. I'm going to be working on all of that today!
The boys are doing good! Eli is really getting an attitude. He has started hitting his brother when he is mad. Just now Nate took a drink of Eli's water and Eli yelled "NOOOOO" then hit Nate. I made Eli tell Nate he was sorry and then give him a kiss. Sometimes Nate just asks to be hit though. Nate can be the typical "big brother bully". Eli has been giving such wonderful greetings lately. When I come into the room he will either run to me saying "HIIIII" or "Momma". Then he comes and hugs my legs. It's so sweet!!
Nate is learning so much every day. At church on Sunday they were talking about obeying God's word in his class. He told his teacher that Bubba (Eli) needed to learn to obey God's word because he yelled at Nate in the store!! The teacher thought that was so cute. Nate is really sensitive to spiritual things it seems like. He gets real emotional when he sees Jesus dying on the cross (in Greg's videos for his concerts). He is a really sweet kid too! Always coming up and telling me he loves me. I love hearing those words!!!
Well, just wanted to give you a quick update! God Bless you all!
I found a wonderful OB doctor thanks to the boy's pediatrician who did a little research for me. She is in Harlingen which is about 20 minutes away, so when I go into labor I'll have to make sure I can make it to the hospital!! I went to my first appointment with her on Thursday. She did an ultrasound and I was so thrilled to see that little heart beating away!! I have never had a ultrasound that early with the boys so it was so neat to see such a tiny little baby!! I have a picture, but you can't really see anything. She did confirm my due date for December 18th, but said that with my history of early deliveries she expected the baby around the 1st of December. Maybe the baby will come on Greg's birthday (December 2nd). That would be neat since I found out I was pregnant on my birthday.
We are supposed to close on our house on May 8th. Things are crazy!! So many last things to take care of. Hopefully we can get it all done in time so we don't lose the house! The sellers are already threatening to put it back on the market. I'm going to be working on all of that today!
The boys are doing good! Eli is really getting an attitude. He has started hitting his brother when he is mad. Just now Nate took a drink of Eli's water and Eli yelled "NOOOOO" then hit Nate. I made Eli tell Nate he was sorry and then give him a kiss. Sometimes Nate just asks to be hit though. Nate can be the typical "big brother bully". Eli has been giving such wonderful greetings lately. When I come into the room he will either run to me saying "HIIIII" or "Momma". Then he comes and hugs my legs. It's so sweet!!
Nate is learning so much every day. At church on Sunday they were talking about obeying God's word in his class. He told his teacher that Bubba (Eli) needed to learn to obey God's word because he yelled at Nate in the store!! The teacher thought that was so cute. Nate is really sensitive to spiritual things it seems like. He gets real emotional when he sees Jesus dying on the cross (in Greg's videos for his concerts). He is a really sweet kid too! Always coming up and telling me he loves me. I love hearing those words!!!
Well, just wanted to give you a quick update! God Bless you all!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
What a birthday!!!
Well, first to update on the house situation. We didn't get the house we offered on in my last post, but we went to see another one and made an offer on it the same day and they ACCEPTED!!! Yeah we have a house! We are scheduled to close on it May 1st.
Today is my birthday and it has been a great day! Greg brought me flowers and a very sweet card. Beth (my friend here) brought me a present of sweets, coffee, candy and a coffee mug all in a cute basket with beautiful napkins. She is so sweet. I'm so glad to have found a friend like her. But the greatest present of all has to be one I got this afternoon. A POSITIVE PREGNANCY TEST!!!!!! Yes, baby #3 is on it's way!! Although this baby was surprise we are so excited!!!!! We couldn't be happier. Nate is excited too! Eli doesn't understand yet, but I think as I start to show and he gets a little older he will understand more. Fish baby #3 is due to arrive sometime in mid December. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm having another baby! It's still sinking in. God has given us so many blessings and we feel honored that he has entrusted to our care another precious little one.
Today is my birthday and it has been a great day! Greg brought me flowers and a very sweet card. Beth (my friend here) brought me a present of sweets, coffee, candy and a coffee mug all in a cute basket with beautiful napkins. She is so sweet. I'm so glad to have found a friend like her. But the greatest present of all has to be one I got this afternoon. A POSITIVE PREGNANCY TEST!!!!!! Yes, baby #3 is on it's way!! Although this baby was surprise we are so excited!!!!! We couldn't be happier. Nate is excited too! Eli doesn't understand yet, but I think as I start to show and he gets a little older he will understand more. Fish baby #3 is due to arrive sometime in mid December. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm having another baby! It's still sinking in. God has given us so many blessings and we feel honored that he has entrusted to our care another precious little one.
Friday, March 31, 2006
We made an offer on another house yesterday. The realtor is actually presenting our offer to the sellers right now. I love the house. Hopefully this is the one God has for us. It's 4 bedroom, 2 bath. It has a nice fenced back yard. It just seems pretty perfect for us. I'm a little nervous, but again I know that God has the perfect house for us. Greg has started a blog. His is a lot deeper than mine.
I had to seperate the boys this week. They were just playing in their room when it was bedtime. Finally I told them if they didn't settle down and go to sleep that I was going to split them up. The didn't settle down, so I put Eli's bed in the playroom. They have been sleeping so much better. They actually went down at 8:15 lastnight and slept until 8:30 this morning!!!! That never happens. It's awesome. I also took Eli's passy away last week. He was doing ok with out except when it was bedtime. I decided to give it back to him when he was going to sleep, but when he gets up he has to leave it in his bed. He's done a lot better with things like that. Well, Eli is crying wanting to be held, so I'm gonna go. Hopefully soon I will get some links to videos and pics like Greg has. We'll see!
I had to seperate the boys this week. They were just playing in their room when it was bedtime. Finally I told them if they didn't settle down and go to sleep that I was going to split them up. The didn't settle down, so I put Eli's bed in the playroom. They have been sleeping so much better. They actually went down at 8:15 lastnight and slept until 8:30 this morning!!!! That never happens. It's awesome. I also took Eli's passy away last week. He was doing ok with out except when it was bedtime. I decided to give it back to him when he was going to sleep, but when he gets up he has to leave it in his bed. He's done a lot better with things like that. Well, Eli is crying wanting to be held, so I'm gonna go. Hopefully soon I will get some links to videos and pics like Greg has. We'll see!
Thursday, March 16, 2006
We have been back from Joplin for a week now. It's been a fast week. We had a great time!!! It was so good to see everyone! It was great to see all of the new babies in our group of friends. SO many boys! We need some more girls that's for sure!!
I had a revelation while I was there. I don't really know what triggered it, but I have realized tI need to rearrange my priorities. Before my trip I was so focused on how to keep my house clean all the time. I was getting stressed out everyday because I couldn't keep the house clean with the boys running around. I could clean something up and 10 minutes later it was a mess again. Because they were messing things up I was getting mad at them and yelling. I didn't want to yell at them, but I was so frustrated!! I decided that I wan't going to clean anything in the house until later in the afternoons. I was going to take the mornings and be with the kids, playing and watching TV. So far I think it is working out pretty well. The kids and I are getting along well and there is a lot less yelling. Greg did tell me I needed to remember to clean in the afternoon though. Laundry had gotten a little out of control, but I think I've got most of it caught up. I've realized the cleaning will wait, the kids won't. They grow up day by day, minute by minute whether we are there or not. I don't want to miss that because I'm too busy with the dishes!! I'm glad I've realized this while my kids are still little. I haven't lost a lot of time. Hopefully I can remember this while I raise them.
Today is the anniversary of my granny's death. She died 9 years ago today. I miss her a lot. I remember going to the cemetary and talking to her right after I got engaged. I told her all about how Greg proposed and about my wedding plans. I wished so bad that she could be at my wedding. I know she is watching over me though. I've always wished that she was around to meet my boys. Tonight I realized that she had met them. When I kissed my kids good night tonight, the smell of her perfume was on their cheeks. I smiled when I smelled it. I knew she had been there loving on them just like she were still alive. It comforts me to know that. I am going to start telling my kids about her and tell them the stories she used to tell me. She was a very special lady!
I had a revelation while I was there. I don't really know what triggered it, but I have realized tI need to rearrange my priorities. Before my trip I was so focused on how to keep my house clean all the time. I was getting stressed out everyday because I couldn't keep the house clean with the boys running around. I could clean something up and 10 minutes later it was a mess again. Because they were messing things up I was getting mad at them and yelling. I didn't want to yell at them, but I was so frustrated!! I decided that I wan't going to clean anything in the house until later in the afternoons. I was going to take the mornings and be with the kids, playing and watching TV. So far I think it is working out pretty well. The kids and I are getting along well and there is a lot less yelling. Greg did tell me I needed to remember to clean in the afternoon though. Laundry had gotten a little out of control, but I think I've got most of it caught up. I've realized the cleaning will wait, the kids won't. They grow up day by day, minute by minute whether we are there or not. I don't want to miss that because I'm too busy with the dishes!! I'm glad I've realized this while my kids are still little. I haven't lost a lot of time. Hopefully I can remember this while I raise them.
Today is the anniversary of my granny's death. She died 9 years ago today. I miss her a lot. I remember going to the cemetary and talking to her right after I got engaged. I told her all about how Greg proposed and about my wedding plans. I wished so bad that she could be at my wedding. I know she is watching over me though. I've always wished that she was around to meet my boys. Tonight I realized that she had met them. When I kissed my kids good night tonight, the smell of her perfume was on their cheeks. I smiled when I smelled it. I knew she had been there loving on them just like she were still alive. It comforts me to know that. I am going to start telling my kids about her and tell them the stories she used to tell me. She was a very special lady!
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Well, I leave tomorrow for Joplin. I am excited and nervous! I always get nervous when flying after 9/11. I know it's crazy, but I can't help it. Today in Greg's sermon he read Phillipians 4:6-7, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." That is comforting to know even though we are a little nervous that God can give us peace. Greg's sermon was really good today. The Scripture reminded me of a lot of things I need to do in my life. We've been going through Phillipians for a few weeks now and I am really liking this book. I had read it before, but not really "in depth". My Bible has highlights and pen marks all over the book of Phillipians. Moving to Brownsville has been really good for both Greg and I. We are both really growing in our spiritual walk (which is good since we are the ministers). I really the people here and they seem to really like us. Time has gone so fast too. I can't believe we have already been here 6 months! CRAZY! God is teaching us a lot of lessons here and He is always faithful!
I can't wait to see my family tomorrow. Ari called me yesterday. She is so sweet! Oh, I can't wait to pick her up and hug her and kiss her. Val is pregnant with another precious baby girl! I can't wait to see if she looks like Ari. I wish they would decide on a name. I don't want to keep calling her baby girl. It is supposed to be really nice in Joplin the next couple of days. Thank goodness, because I will be leaving behind 80 degree weather here in Brownsville. It is supposed to be 80 in Joplin on Wednesday!!!! Unheard of at the beginning of March! Anyway, I've got to get packing and clean up my house so it is nice for Greg while we are gone.
I can't wait to see my family tomorrow. Ari called me yesterday. She is so sweet! Oh, I can't wait to pick her up and hug her and kiss her. Val is pregnant with another precious baby girl! I can't wait to see if she looks like Ari. I wish they would decide on a name. I don't want to keep calling her baby girl. It is supposed to be really nice in Joplin the next couple of days. Thank goodness, because I will be leaving behind 80 degree weather here in Brownsville. It is supposed to be 80 in Joplin on Wednesday!!!! Unheard of at the beginning of March! Anyway, I've got to get packing and clean up my house so it is nice for Greg while we are gone.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Okay I've been away for awhile. I need an update post. Things have been busy. The boys and I are going to Joplin on Monday for 10 days. I've been trying to get everything ready for the trip. I was doing laundry yesterday and packing when my washing machine broke. UGGGG! I'm going to take the rest of the laundry to the church tomorrow to finish it. Today we went to Mexico to get medicine for Greg's dad. We also bought some gifts for friends in Tulsa and Arianna. I'm taking some jewelry to Joplin. My mom's hairdresser is going to display some of it and sell it for me. I'm excited about that. Hopefully that will get me some more business. We made an offer on a house. Still haven't heard back from the realtor though. I've been praying a lot that things would work out with this house. God knows best and if we aren't ment to have this house, he will have something better for us! Well, gotta keep packing!
Sunday, February 12, 2006
What's up?
We'll here is whats up. Or what' s been going on the last couple of days. Friday the boys were invited to a birthday party. Our first kids party since moving to Brownsville. It was for a little boy named Quientin. He turned 3. His party was a Thomas the Train theme. It was really cute. There is a lot to live up to when it comes to birthday parties here. I'm a little worried that I won't do a good enough job at Eli's in March. Quientin's mom made all of the kids Thomas pillows for their goodie gift. They were really cute!!! After the party we went and looked at a house again. We really like this hosue. We really think these is the one!! i think this week we are going to talk to our mortgage guy and then make an offer on it. I'm excited, but also a little scared. It helped to have mom and dad say they thought it looked like a good deal. It's still a big step though.
Saturday night Greg and I went to a Valentines dinner with the Spanish church. Greg reserved a room at Shoney's. I made fun of him because we went to Shoney's but it was actually pretty good. I apologized! It was pretty fun! I minister from mexico came and spoke.
Sunday we got up and went to church. They had a brunch for the Winter Texans, so our service didn't start until 10:30. After church they were giving away the leftover food so we took home sandwiches that we are for lunch and we will eat for dinner. I took a nap while the kids slept. Now the kids are watching Dora the Explorer and Greg is watching some movie while I am typing. It's just another restful Sunday!
Saturday night Greg and I went to a Valentines dinner with the Spanish church. Greg reserved a room at Shoney's. I made fun of him because we went to Shoney's but it was actually pretty good. I apologized! It was pretty fun! I minister from mexico came and spoke.
Sunday we got up and went to church. They had a brunch for the Winter Texans, so our service didn't start until 10:30. After church they were giving away the leftover food so we took home sandwiches that we are for lunch and we will eat for dinner. I took a nap while the kids slept. Now the kids are watching Dora the Explorer and Greg is watching some movie while I am typing. It's just another restful Sunday!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
It's been a agreat day!
Well, I guess this is my first post. I'm kind of excited about doing this. I really want to put down special things for my kids. It's hard to write them down. It's much easier to sit at the computer and type. Today has been a great day so far. The kids and I got up and ate breakfast and then went to Target. We bought Greg a pair of slacks, toothbrushes for the kids and some toothpaste that was on the clearance shelf. Then we went to Sonic. The kids ate and played on the toys while I talked to Sheri. Then we came home and Eli went to sleep. Nate and I cleaned up the play room and my room and now we are watching "An American Tale" together. (while I'm typing) Tonight we are going to church as usual on a Wednesday night. I think the meal is Italian. YUMMMM! I have to remember to tape American Idol while we are gone. I think we are finally going to be able to buy a house. We're going to work a little more on teh specifics, but it's looking good!
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