Well, things have been super busy since my last post. We went to Joplin on Sunday July 2nd. After church we came home to take quick naps before our flight left at 5:40. I was trying to sleep but heard Greg talking to Nate. I went in to see what was going on. Greg was taking sheets off Nate's bed and putting them in the washing machine. Apparently Nate threw up. I thought it was just a fluke and maybe he was just excited. He was running around acting fine. Then I was in the bathroom doing my hair when he ran in and said "Mommy I have to throw up". Luckily he made it to the toilet. Then he was running around again. He threw up a couple more times before we left for the airport. Thankfully Greg had enough foresight to put a trashcan in the car for the 30 minute drive to the airport. More throwing up in the car by Nate and this time I joined him. I think mine was just motion sickness and baby. We were standing in line to board when we again had to make a mad dash for the bathroom. I think we used about 8 barf bags on the planes. We finally arrived in Tulsa around 9:30pm. Nate was so excited to see Grandmama and Grandaddy. He was walking really fast down the long hallway when out of the blue, BARF AGAIN!!! UGGGGG!!!! Thankfully that was the last of it. He fell asleep on the way home and the next morning was perfectly fine.
The morning of the 3rd Val came over with her family. It was the first time I got to meet my new neice Addelyn Demetria. She was one month old. She is absolutely beautiful and looks just like her momma. Ari had grown so much and it was so fun to have her say "Auntie Em!" and then reach up for me. I miss them both terribly. Greg's mom and dad came over in the morning. His mom made a breakfast casserole for us. It was great!
The night of the 3rd we were having all of our best friends over to my parents for a BBQ. Valery and Stef and I went to get some fireworks for that night. On the way there I started feeling queasy. I figured it was motion sickness again. I get it really bad! We got home again and the friends were starting to arrive. I started hugging everyone, but couldn't shake the queasiness. About an hour later it was my turn!! I was so sick all night and some of the next day. It was miserable. I almost had my dad take me to the hospital because I was scared of dehydration with the baby. I missed all of the fun with the friends that night. I was so disappointed. Everyone seemed to still have a good time though.
On the 4th the whole Benson clan was there. Mom and Dad, Me and my family, Val and her family, Holly and hubby and Stef. We had so much fun. Just being together was awesome. Eli had gotten sick early in the morning, but his only lasted about 3 hours and he was fine. While shooting off fireworks Greg got sick. He only threw up once though and he was finished. We thought about cancelling his flight that was supposed to leave the next morning, but he assured us he would be fine.
The next days were full of shopping, hanging out at the pool, Texas Hold 'Em, and just enjoying each others company.
And I got it on the fourth!!
Yes it was fun! A great time together! Thanks for making the effort to come. XOXOX
I'm going to write more when I find the time.
I love to read about you and your family!
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