Things have been busy around here. Since I wrote last, we have gone to Arizona on vacation.
We went to Arizona to see Greg's grandparents, but we took a little detour. It was great, but I think I would enjoy it more if I would leave the kids with grandparents and not have to worry about them getting too close to the edge. It's a little scary for a momma. They boys enjoyed it so much too. They were both made Jr. Park Rangers. This was such an honor, especially for Nate who would go around sticking his chest out (to show everyone his Jr. Park Ranger badge) telling everyone he was a Jr. Park Ranger. When we would stop at different areas through the Oak River canyon he would always ask if there were signs. He loved looking at all of the informational signs. It really was cute!!

Now that all of our traveling is over for awhile it is time to get ready for the baby's arrival. Since I went into labor early with Nate and Eli I want to make sure everything is ready with plenty of time to spare just in case history repeats itself. I am 9 weeks away from when I went into labor with Nate and was put on bedrest until his arrival. We started painting the boys room. All 3 of them will be in the same room. I think we have a floor plan that will give us enough room to walk around. Greg is supposed to help me finish the painting today. We'll see! I have all of the baby's clothes washed. Most of them are hanging in the closet already. Nate is getting really excited. Nate likes to come up to me and put his head on my belly. He asks if he is moving and then kisses my belly. Eli has started telling people how old he is. He will say "I'm 2, Nathan is 4, and Samuel." He can't leave out Samuel even though he doesn't have a number. It's sweet.
Last night Greg was in the 2nd Annual Gospel Music Explosion. He had to send in a demo and then go play for them. He was really excited that he made the cut. We went early with him since we only have one car and it was in Harlingen. We arrived at the church around 4:00. The program started at 6:00. Our car started to overheat on our way there, so I let it cool down and then took a speeding trip to O'Reilly to see if i could get it fixed. They told me it was a dealer only part, so we will have to take it in tomorrow. We arrived back at the church around 5:45. The program started at 6:00. At 7:00 the first act had still not come on. The preacher had been talking and had a guest preacher talk and there had been some praise and worship. I assumed we ould be home around 9:00. At 9:45 there were still 4 acts to go. Ones with multiple selections as opposed to selections. I figured it could be another 45 minutes before the thing was over. We had not eaten dinner before we left. Some people from church were coming that we had not seen in awhile, so we figured we would go out to dinner with them afterward. Needless to say the kids were starving and so was I, not to mention they were so tired of sitting there they were about to go crazy. I took the kids outside. Greg followed. I told him I couldn't sit there another hour, so we were going to get food. I called my mom from the parking lot at Dairy Queen in tears. It seems like everytime we do one of these things they ended up lasting 3 hours or more. In my opinion, that is kindof overdoing it. Especially when over half the people who were there in the beginning are gone. The preacher there said, "If you are sitting there looking at your watch, you are a weak Christian". I couldn't believe he said that. As people were walking out he was calling them weak Christians. I think a lot of feelings were hurt. Maybe I am weak. But I have been here since 4:00. I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old who didn't get their full naps today. I am 7 months pregnant and none of us had dinner before we came. If we had known this thing was going to last so long we would not have come. I think sometimes people need to be more sensitive to other's time. Had Greg not been a part of the program we would have left. Anyway, I was just a bit upset. Not to mention I felt like a horrible person because I wanted to leave. We ended up leaving the church around 11:15. At 12:00 we finally crawled into bed exhausted. The program went a full 5 hours. Greg told me the people doing the program thought it went too long too which made me feel better. They didn't expect it to take that long. I just hope some things are changed for next year or I will not be attending the 3rd Annual Gospel Explosion. Sorry, didn't mean to get on a tantrum there. Greg did a great job by the way. I always get so nervous when he performs. Maybe more nervous than he is. Sometimes I find myself holding my breathe until he is done.
My parents are coming here on Sept. 10th. Mom wanted to fly on the 11th, but that didn't sound good to me. Anyway, they will be here in the evening and are staying until the evening of the 14th. I can't wait for them to see the house and all that we have done with it. I miss them so much. It will be so good to see them again. I can't wait!!!
Well, I guess that is all for now. I'll write again soon. Hopefully!
Way to go there, Rose Jr. It's Oak Creek Canyon, not whatever you called it.
Good job Emily, join the Rose club!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about last night and you are not a weak Christian just a pregnant one. I love those Jr. Park Rangers, I miss them!!!!!!!!!
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