Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Baby Update

I went to my appt. on August 14th. I was 34 weeks that day. The dr. says she does not expect me to make it to full term. She noticed that baby has definately started to drop. She did an ultrasound to check fluid levels and said they are around a 10 which is up from the hospital so that is good. I am measuring 35 weeks. I have gained 3 pounds in the last month. I am still down 3 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. It doesn't sound like she will stop labor now. I am still on modified bedrest for another 2 weeks. She said to take it easy this week and then next week I can do a little more and then be off the next week. When we were getting ready to leave she said she would see us in the office in 2 weeks if she didn't see us in the hospital before. So it sounds like it could be anytime. As I write this I am 34 weeks 4 days. So far we have done well. I am confident if Ruthie decides to make her grand entrance early that she will be fine. I am very anxious to hold her in my arms.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

So close yet so far.

I really thought this was going to be the pregnancy we would make it all the way with no problems. I guess I was wrong. Yesterday morning I tripped over the automatic UNO game and fell. I didn't hit my stomach, but I called my dr. anyway just to let her know. She sent me to the hospital to be observed. Turns out I was having contractions. They ordered an ultrasound where they discovered my fluid level was at an 8.3. A little on the low side. Because if my history they decided to give me steroid shots for the baby's lungs. They checked my cervix and I was a fingertip dialated, 0% effaced and baby was high. Throughout the night I recieved 4 shots for the lungs. Around 8am my contractions started picking up so they decided to check me again. I was 1cm, 50% effaced and baby was at a -2 station. The nurse said she could feel the baby's head. So change was definately being made which is not a good thing. They started me on magnesium which is a muscle relaxant. I had this medicine 7 years ago when I was pregnant with Nathan. It makes you feel very hot and flushed. My contractions have slowed down though. I'm having like one an hour. From what I understand I will be taken off the mag around 10:30am tomorrow. They will check me again at this point then keep me for another couple hours to make sure the contractions don't pick up again. As long as there is no more cervical change and the contractions have stopped I should be able to go home tomorrow. We asked the nurse practicioner when she came in today how long I would have to stay on bedrest. From what she said it sounds like I will only have to be on partial bedrest until 34 weeks. I will be 33 weeks on Friday, so it shouldn't be very much bedrest. It sounds like if I go into labor after 34 weeks they will just let baby come. I am hoping we can make it to at least 36 weeks. I would love to make it to 38 weeks so mom can be here. We shall see.