Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Bedrest Update

Well, I went to the dr. this morning. She is keeping me on bedrest for the next 5 1/2 weeks. She will take me off at 34 weeks (around Nov. 2nd) She expects the baby to come not long after that. Hopefully the next few weeks will fly by and before I know it I will be holding a happy and healthy baby Samuel in my arms.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Well, it's happened again. Sunday I went to the hospital in Harlingen for a Sibling Education class with Nathan. He was going to learn how to change a diaper and help out with his new baby brother. I got there and found out the class hadn't been scheduled. So Nate and I headed out to get icecream. I had been having a lot of contractions that day and decided to call my dr. while I was in Harlingen so just in case she wanted to me to go to the hospital I wouldn't have to drive all the way from Brownsville again. Well, she did tell me to go in. They hooked me up to the monitors (watches for contractions and keeps baby heartbeat). I was showing what the oncall dr. called irritability, but no contractions. She called my dr. and she wanted to admit me. Miss Nikki (the children's minister at Central) came and picked Nate up and I was transfered to the postpartum unit to be monitored. I was told that I would have steroid shots to help mature Sam's lungs faster and I would be monitored every 8 hours for 30 minutes to check on the contractions. The first night I got about 3 hours sleep with the nurses coming in to take my blood pressure and temp. And the contractions were keeping me awake, but none of them were showing up when they would put the monitors on. WIERD and ANNOYING!! Finally I got a nurse who told me that they trust what moms say over the monitors, especially if it is not their first baby. In other words, I know when I'm having a contration. Been there done that! On Tuesday I finished the steroid shots and talked to the dr. around 6:00pm. She told me that I hadn't been kept because of preterm labor, but because while I was at the hospital she wanted to go ahead and give me the steroid shots because of my history with preterm labor. I was really thankful for this and was going to ask her about it at my next appt. Anyway, I have been put on complete bedrest. All I can do it take a shower and go to the bathroom!! Really fun when you have a 4 and 2 year old at home! Greg has been awesome through all of this. He is doing the dishes and laundry and taking care of the kids. My MOPS group and a few ladies from the church have been providing meals for us. I have really been blessed by the caring and concern that people have shown us. I go to the dr. tomorrow for a reevaluation. She is going to ask about my contractions and probably make sure I haven't started to dialate. If she thinks I'm ok, then she may take me off bedrest. Truthfully I doubt that will happen though because I'm going to have to tell her that I can definately tell a difference in the contractions when I am laying down and when I get up to take a shower (or fold the occasional load of laundry. SHHHHH!). Yesterday I had to go to the store with Greg to get my WIC voucher food. I am the only one who can sign for it and I needed milk. I felt horrible for the rest of the night. We were only at the store maybe 20 minutes too. Anyway, just wanted to give you all an update. I'll update again after tomorrow appt.