We have been back from Joplin for a week now. It's been a fast week. We had a great time!!! It was so good to see everyone! It was great to see all of the new babies in our group of friends. SO many boys! We need some more girls that's for sure!!
I had a revelation while I was there. I don't really know what triggered it, but I have realized tI need to rearrange my priorities. Before my trip I was so focused on how to keep my house clean all the time. I was getting stressed out everyday because I couldn't keep the house clean with the boys running around. I could clean something up and 10 minutes later it was a mess again. Because they were messing things up I was getting mad at them and yelling. I didn't want to yell at them, but I was so frustrated!! I decided that I wan't going to clean anything in the house until later in the afternoons. I was going to take the mornings and be with the kids, playing and watching TV. So far I think it is working out pretty well. The kids and I are getting along well and there is a lot less yelling. Greg did tell me I needed to remember to clean in the afternoon though. Laundry had gotten a little out of control, but I think I've got most of it caught up. I've realized the cleaning will wait, the kids won't. They grow up day by day, minute by minute whether we are there or not. I don't want to miss that because I'm too busy with the dishes!! I'm glad I've realized this while my kids are still little. I haven't lost a lot of time. Hopefully I can remember this while I raise them.
Today is the anniversary of my granny's death. She died 9 years ago today. I miss her a lot. I remember going to the cemetary and talking to her right after I got engaged. I told her all about how Greg proposed and about my wedding plans. I wished so bad that she could be at my wedding. I know she is watching over me though. I've always wished that she was around to meet my boys. Tonight I realized that she had met them. When I kissed my kids good night tonight, the smell of her perfume was on their cheeks. I smiled when I smelled it. I knew she had been there loving on them just like she were still alive. It comforts me to know that. I am going to start telling my kids about her and tell them the stories she used to tell me. She was a very special lady!
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