Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's almost over.

Well, I've been off bedrest for over 3 weeks now and still no baby! Who would have ever thought that I would still be pregnant at the end of November?!! I never ever entertained the thought that I wouldn't have a baby in my arms for Thanksgiving. I guess that is something to be thankful for though because now I know he will be very healthy and he will come home from the hospital with me.

This has been a pretty difficult pregnancy for me. I don't know if it's because I have two little ones at home already or for some other reason. The bedrest was difficult, but it seems to have gotten harder since coming off the bedrest. I think having the doctor tell me so many times that she didn't expect me to make it to my next appt. has something to do with it too. She kept telling me that I would deliver Samuel before I delivered either of the boys. Well, she was wrong on that one. I've never gotten this far in a pregnancy before. I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow! UNREAL!! I'm so tired of not getting a good nights sleep. I know that won't change when the baby comes, but at least the sleep I will get will be comfortable sleep. Right now it's a battle to find a comfortable position to sleep in. I'm tired of being out of breath all the time, of having to squat so I can reach what is on the floor (sometimes it's still a struggle). I don't remember having all of these difficulties with Nate and Eli. Odd since I feel like I am smaller with this baby than with the boys.

As difficult as this pregnancy has been I feel extremely blessed that Samuel is coming to join our family. He is already teaching me so many things. Like patience!! Well, the wait is almost over. I went to the dr. on Monday and asked her is she would be so kind and to encourage this kid to come out. She has scheduled me for an induction on Tuesday, December 5th. So if Samuel decides to stay in until then his birthday will be December 5th. I'm so excited!! I can't wait to hold my precious baby boy! I can't wait to see if he looks like Nate or Eli or if he looks completely different. How big will he be? Will he have hair or be bald?
I'm also a little nervous about the delivery. Ok, I'm a lot nervous! I was laying in bed the other day thinking about the pain and then thinking about getting the epidural to get rid of the pain. OUCH!!! Thanks a lot EVE!! I told Greg the other day that child birth is the worst pain that we inflict on ourselves. There is nothing natural that is more painful, yet we keep going back for more. I'm not sure if that makes us stupid, ignorant, dumb, or the most loving creatures ever. Probably all of the above. Anyway, as the time for Samuel to enter the world draws near there are a few things I would like to say to him.

Samuel, even though we have not met face to face yet I want you to know that you have already brought me more joy that you know. With each little movement I am reminded what a miracle you are and how amazing our God is!! Even with all of the difficulties this pregnancy has held I wouldn't change a thing. Because of all of the uncertainty you are even that much more of a miracle. God has answered my prayers by allowing you to grow strong and healthy while remaining inside of me. When you come out to join our family and as you grow, please remember how much your mommy and daddy and big brothers love you, but most of all remember how much your heavenly Father loves you. He brought you into this world for a reason. It may take a long time to figure out what that reason is, but you have a purpose. I love you sweet boy and I can't wait to hold you in my arms and kiss your sweet little face! God Bless you little one!


Rose Fish said...

That was beautiful Emily. You will have to save that for Samuel to read one day. We are so proud of you for hanging in there. We love you and praise the Lord for watching over you. Our prayers are with you on December 5th, wish we could be there.
Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Oh Honey, that is precious! I agree with Rose, Sam has got to read that some day!
We're excited too. Can't wait to hug you and hold him.
Looking forward!
See you soon!