My name is Emily. I have been married to Greg for 11 years. We have 3 beautiful boys, Nathan Gregory (9 years), Elijah Montgomery (7 years) and Samuel Malachi (5 years) and our little girl Ruth Ann Ayelen (2). We live in Texas where we are in Spanish ministry.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Earring and Laughter
Well, daddy got his way. Ruthie got her ears pierced on Wednesday. I was TOTALLY against doing it, but Greg asks for so little when it comes to the kids so I let him do it. She only cried for about 3 minutes. She hasn't really acted bothered by them. I did give her tylenol a couple of times when she acted fussier than normal.
Ruthie also gave me her first laugh on Friday night. I don't know if she was laughing at Eli or me. IT was cute though!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Girl stuff!
Ok, so I've been a mom of a girl for 2 1/2 months now. I thought I was doing pretty good until we attempted Christmas pictures with Valery's girls. We were all done when I decided to take some pics of Ruthie by herself. It was then that I noticed it. Whe you have girls there is something called "bloomers" that come with most dresses. I didn't notice this until I was arranging Ruthie's dress and noticed something hanging out. I completely missed the bloomers attached underneath the dress. I was totally embarrassed. Thankfully it was just family around. I guess I still have somethings to learn when it comes to having a daughter. Hey, I'm new at this!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
God's commandments
Nate and Eli were running around this morning fighting.
Eli came in to the office with a white teddy bear that he took from the church a few months ago. I didn't know where it came from until about 3 weeks ago when he came to me and said "Mom I stole this bear from the church." I told him to make sure he took it back.
He just brought the bear in the office.
Eli: I'm taking this back to the church. (With a very proud look on his face.)
Me: Good.
Nate: But Sammy likes it.
Me: Nate, he stole it from the church.
Nate :(looking at Eli in disbelief.) Why would you do that?
Eli: I didn't know God's commandments.
So cute!!!
Eli came in to the office with a white teddy bear that he took from the church a few months ago. I didn't know where it came from until about 3 weeks ago when he came to me and said "Mom I stole this bear from the church." I told him to make sure he took it back.
He just brought the bear in the office.
Eli: I'm taking this back to the church. (With a very proud look on his face.)
Me: Good.
Nate: But Sammy likes it.
Me: Nate, he stole it from the church.
Nate :(looking at Eli in disbelief.) Why would you do that?
Eli: I didn't know God's commandments.
So cute!!!
A visit from my grandma
My grandma visited me lastnight in a dream. It started like any other dream. We were visiting this animal farm. My mom and dad were looking at pigs. For some reason they decided Stef needed a pig. I thought it was ridiculous so I walked away. I was holding Ruthie. I went and sat down at a table with Grandpa and Grandma. There was someone else at the table, but I couldn't make out the face. Grandpa and Grandma and I talked about how crazy it was that mom and dad would be buying a pig. The conversation stalled and I looked and grandma and started this conversation.
me: "Grandma, I wish you were still here."
Grandma: "Darlin I know. You just love those babies. I'm fine. Kiss that girl for me."
me: "I will. I wish I could have been there to tell you how much I love you."
Grandma: "I know you do. I love you more."
Then I woke up. Crying of course. What a special thing. I believe she used a dream to let me know everything was ok. I miss her so much!
me: "Grandma, I wish you were still here."
Grandma: "Darlin I know. You just love those babies. I'm fine. Kiss that girl for me."
me: "I will. I wish I could have been there to tell you how much I love you."
Grandma: "I know you do. I love you more."
Then I woke up. Crying of course. What a special thing. I believe she used a dream to let me know everything was ok. I miss her so much!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Just a couple cute moments for the first two weeks of Ruthie's life.
About 5 days after Ruthie was born I went in to tell Nathan goodnight. This was our conversation.
Nate: "Mom, Ruthie is so special."
me: "You are right. You are special too buddy."
Nate: "Mom, I cried in my bed the day you brought her home. I feel like crying now too."
Me: "Why?"
Nate: "Because everyone is special."
What a sweet big brother!
Sam: "Mommy, Ruthie said her first word!"
me: "What did she say?"
Sam: "I love Sammy."
Eli will sit by Ruthie no matter where she is and rub her head and talk to her.
The boys are so precious with her. They are being very helpful. What good big brothers Ruthie has.
Nate: "Mom, Ruthie is so special."
me: "You are right. You are special too buddy."
Nate: "Mom, I cried in my bed the day you brought her home. I feel like crying now too."
Me: "Why?"
Nate: "Because everyone is special."
What a sweet big brother!
Sam: "Mommy, Ruthie said her first word!"
me: "What did she say?"
Sam: "I love Sammy."
Eli will sit by Ruthie no matter where she is and rub her head and talk to her.
The boys are so precious with her. They are being very helpful. What good big brothers Ruthie has.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Ruth Ann Ayelen is here!!!
She is finally here and she is beautiful!! We arrived at the hospital a little after noon on Sept.13th. I got checked in and all was set up. When they put the heart monitor on the baby they told us her heartbeat was too fast. It was in the 190's. It should be around 160. They were a little nervous about that. They started giving me IV fluid thinking I was dehydrated. Dr. Danielson broke my water around 1:00. I was 3 cm dilated. Because baby's heartbeat was fast they decided to put on an internal monitor. It attaches to the baby's head and gives a more accurate reading. I started having contractions, but they weren't very strong or consistant. Around 4:30 Dr. Danielson came in to check my progress. She told me that if I hadn't dilated anymore that she would have to start pitocin. I hadn't made any progress so pitocin was started probably around 5:00. Within 10 minutes I was starting to feel contractions. They felt like they were very close. I barely had a break in between. I finally asked the dr. if I could get up and she said I could. I used my birthing ball and stood some. Around 6:30 I started to feel pressure. Greg went and got the nurse so she could check me. I was 6 cm dilated and in a lot of pain. After she checked me I couldn't get up out of the bed. The contractions were coming too fast. Greg was scratching my arm trying to sooth me. He kept telling me I was doing so good. About 6:45 I told Greg I couldn't do it anymore. I needed medicine NOW!!! He went out and told them I was ready for meds. About 2 contractions later I told Greg I felt like pushing and he needed to get someone. The nurse came rushing in and checked dilation during a contraction to see how far down baby was. That pain was so horrible!!! She ran to the door and said, "She's complete, someone call Dr. Danielson." When I head those words I had two thoughts, relief and NO, I need meds!! Right away two nurses were at my side. My body kept trying to push but the nurses kept telling me no. The nurse on my right would tap me on the shoulder really hard and say, "Emily, open your eyes, blow." I was so frustrated with her because at that point the pain was coming from not being allowed to push. I know they wanted the dr. there, but it hurt so bad. After what we think was about 10 minutes I finally saw my dr. Her face was one of shock. She only had time to put gloves on before Ruthie made her grand entrance. I have never been in more pain in my life, but I have never felt such a sense of accomplishment. I did what I have been planning on doing for the last nine months. I had a completely unmedicated labor and birth. I had done it with Sam (not by choice) but I wan't proud of the way I did it. I wanted to be proud of the way Ruthie came into the world. And I am! It wasn't easy, but it was worth every ounce of pain I went through. She is so amazing! I already love having a daughter. She weighed 7lbs. 2 oz. and was 20 1/4 inches long. Just perfect. We came home from the hospital last night. When we left she weighed 6lbs. 7 oz. She has been eatin great and pooping a lot so the nurses weren't concerned with the weight loss. Right now she is sitting in the swing bought with money from her GG. She has the pink blanky over her that her Beemy made. So precious. Here are a few pics of our first few days together.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Baby Update
I went to my appt. on August 14th. I was 34 weeks that day. The dr. says she does not expect me to make it to full term. She noticed that baby has definately started to drop. She did an ultrasound to check fluid levels and said they are around a 10 which is up from the hospital so that is good. I am measuring 35 weeks. I have gained 3 pounds in the last month. I am still down 3 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. It doesn't sound like she will stop labor now. I am still on modified bedrest for another 2 weeks. She said to take it easy this week and then next week I can do a little more and then be off the next week. When we were getting ready to leave she said she would see us in the office in 2 weeks if she didn't see us in the hospital before. So it sounds like it could be anytime. As I write this I am 34 weeks 4 days. So far we have done well. I am confident if Ruthie decides to make her grand entrance early that she will be fine. I am very anxious to hold her in my arms.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
So close yet so far.
I really thought this was going to be the pregnancy we would make it all the way with no problems. I guess I was wrong. Yesterday morning I tripped over the automatic UNO game and fell. I didn't hit my stomach, but I called my dr. anyway just to let her know. She sent me to the hospital to be observed. Turns out I was having contractions. They ordered an ultrasound where they discovered my fluid level was at an 8.3. A little on the low side. Because if my history they decided to give me steroid shots for the baby's lungs. They checked my cervix and I was a fingertip dialated, 0% effaced and baby was high. Throughout the night I recieved 4 shots for the lungs. Around 8am my contractions started picking up so they decided to check me again. I was 1cm, 50% effaced and baby was at a -2 station. The nurse said she could feel the baby's head. So change was definately being made which is not a good thing. They started me on magnesium which is a muscle relaxant. I had this medicine 7 years ago when I was pregnant with Nathan. It makes you feel very hot and flushed. My contractions have slowed down though. I'm having like one an hour. From what I understand I will be taken off the mag around 10:30am tomorrow. They will check me again at this point then keep me for another couple hours to make sure the contractions don't pick up again. As long as there is no more cervical change and the contractions have stopped I should be able to go home tomorrow. We asked the nurse practicioner when she came in today how long I would have to stay on bedrest. From what she said it sounds like I will only have to be on partial bedrest until 34 weeks. I will be 33 weeks on Friday, so it shouldn't be very much bedrest. It sounds like if I go into labor after 34 weeks they will just let baby come. I am hoping we can make it to at least 36 weeks. I would love to make it to 38 weeks so mom can be here. We shall see.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Now's the time!
One of these days, you'll shout "Why don't you kids grow up and act your age?!" And they will. Or you'll say, "Kids, get out and find yourselves something to do...and don't slam the door!" And they won't.
You'll straighten the boy's bedroom neat and tidy and displayed on the shelves. Hangers in the closet with clothes attatched. Animals caged. And you'll say out loud, "Now, I want it to stay like this!" And it will.
You'll prepare a perfect dinner with a salad that hasn't been picked to death and a cake with no finger traces in the icing, and you'll say "Now, there's a meal for company!" And you'll eat it alone.
You'll say "I want complete privacy on the phone. No dancing around, no pantomimes, no demolition crews, Silence! Do you hear?" And you'll have it.
No more plastic placemats stained with spaghetti. No more spreads to protect sofas from damp bottoms and dusty shoes. No more gates to tumble over in the door of the baby's room. No more Hot Wheels or Barbie dolls under the couch. No more playpens to arrange a room around.
No more anxious nights under a vaporizer. No more cracker crumbs in the sheets. No more wall-to-wall water in the bathroom. No more iron-on patches. No wet, knotted shoelaces, pants with knees out, or rubberbands for ponytails.
Imagine a lipstick with a point on it. Not having to get a baby-sitter on New Year's eve. Family washing only once a week. Seeing steak that isn't ground. Marketing with only groceries in the basket. No more car pools. No more blaring radios or Sesame Street three times a day on TV. No more washing her hair at 9 o'clock at night. No more wondering where the family car is. Having your own roll of scotch tape.
Think about it. No more Christms presents out of construction paper and glue. No more sloppy oatmeal kisses. No more tooth fairy. No more giggles in the dark. No knees to heal. No responsibility. Only a voice crying, "Why don't you grow up?!" And a silence echoing, "I did!"
You'll straighten the boy's bedroom neat and tidy and displayed on the shelves. Hangers in the closet with clothes attatched. Animals caged. And you'll say out loud, "Now, I want it to stay like this!" And it will.
You'll prepare a perfect dinner with a salad that hasn't been picked to death and a cake with no finger traces in the icing, and you'll say "Now, there's a meal for company!" And you'll eat it alone.
You'll say "I want complete privacy on the phone. No dancing around, no pantomimes, no demolition crews, Silence! Do you hear?" And you'll have it.
No more plastic placemats stained with spaghetti. No more spreads to protect sofas from damp bottoms and dusty shoes. No more gates to tumble over in the door of the baby's room. No more Hot Wheels or Barbie dolls under the couch. No more playpens to arrange a room around.
No more anxious nights under a vaporizer. No more cracker crumbs in the sheets. No more wall-to-wall water in the bathroom. No more iron-on patches. No wet, knotted shoelaces, pants with knees out, or rubberbands for ponytails.
Imagine a lipstick with a point on it. Not having to get a baby-sitter on New Year's eve. Family washing only once a week. Seeing steak that isn't ground. Marketing with only groceries in the basket. No more car pools. No more blaring radios or Sesame Street three times a day on TV. No more washing her hair at 9 o'clock at night. No more wondering where the family car is. Having your own roll of scotch tape.
Think about it. No more Christms presents out of construction paper and glue. No more sloppy oatmeal kisses. No more tooth fairy. No more giggles in the dark. No knees to heal. No responsibility. Only a voice crying, "Why don't you grow up?!" And a silence echoing, "I did!"
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
More adventures with Sam.
The kids had been patient all day long. Because of the storms today they weren't able to swim when they wanted to. Finally around 6:00 mom and I decided to let them swim. We put floaties on everyone and watched them swim as we sat in the porch swing right beside the pool. Valery came out and we sat there talking while the kids swam. Eli was the first to be finished swimming so I took his floaties off and he headed inside to the bath. Sam was next. We pulled him out and took his floaties off. Sam was playing on the deck with Addy. My eyes were on the pool the whole time. All of the sudden I saw 2 white swim shirts in the pool and neither one had floaties on (Nate and Sam both have white swim shirts, but Sam always has his floaties on). Immediately I jumped up and into the pool and grabbed Sam. I'm not really sure how it happened. I guess Sam jumped in the pool without floaties and Nate saw him. Nate yelled "Sam!" and jumped in after him. Nate was trying to hold Sam up and rescue him. When I came up with Sam in my arms, Valery looked at me and said "What are you doing?! You are 6 months pregnant." It never crossed my mind to yell at Val or Mom to jump in a get him. I just did what I had to do. My kid was in danger! I was fully clothed in a nice new skirt. I always wondered how I would react in a situation like that. I guess now I know. Ruthie and I are fine. She has been moving good all night. I'm thankful because for a few seconds I forgot I was pregnant. Apparently Sam is going to test my parenting skills. First White Water and now this. I'm afraid to ask, "What's next?"
Thursday, June 18, 2009
White Water Adventure
Yesterday the boys and I went to White Water with Valery and her family. Places like that are never very much fun for me because of my 2 year old color code yellow son. He is so much fun, but he is also sooooooo crazy! He is such a daredevil and into everything. I was having to watch him very closely at the Rain Tree because he kept trying to go up the big slides instead of down. The lifeguards kept rescuing him. So we moved to the little kid area via the lazy river where I thought he would be safer. Again, he went straight to the bottom of the slides and tried to climb up. There are parts of the kiddie area that are about 12 inches deep. He kept putting his face under the water and trying to swim. Since i know him I knew he was fine, but the life guards kept trying to rescue him again thinking he was drowning. There were several times that I couldn't locate him for a few seconds and panicked. I got tired, so I decided to head back to our chairs. Val and TJ decided to take the 3 bigger kids to do some of the big rides. I had Addy and Sam and we were getting hungry, so we went to the snack bar to get some lunch. While we were in line Val showed up with Ari. Then TJ showed up with Nate and Eli. I kind of motioned Sam and Addy over to Val so I could finish ordering. My first mistake was to assume Val had the kids. It was totally my fault. I got complacent. I was ordering when Addy came up to me and said, "Auntie Em, where's Sammy?". I looked up expecting to be able to point him out to her immediately only to see that he was no where to be found. I looked at Val and said, "Where's Sam?". She looked around and couldn't find him either. Immediately I grabbed the older 4 and made them stand against the wall and Val and TJ went in opposite directions looking for him and calling his name. I started shaking and praying. We were right by the wave pool and the lazy river. I knew Sam had a life jacket on, but I also knew it hadn't done very well with it when we were in the lazy river before. I saw a lifeguard walking by and grabbed her and told her my 2 year old son was missing and I needed her to let the other lifeguards in the park know. She started trying to get that announcement made. Later Val said she had seen a little boy that looked like Sam in the lazy river but then saw an older boy with him so assumed it wasn't him. She said something told her to check the lazy river again. When she looked again the little boy was telling the lifeguard that someone lost their baby. I heard her yell "Emily!" and when I looked she was running in the water down the lazy river. I thought she was just going around seeing if she could see him because I couldn't see him or the boy talking to the lifeguard. I guess she hollered at the lifeguard that the baby was hers. I'm still standing by the snack bar with the other kids, and the lifeguard is still trying to get the announcement made when Val comes walking up with Sam in her arms. I can't even tell you the relief that came over me. I have never been so scared in my life. I felt totally helpless. Thankfully God was watching over Sam yesterday. Thankfully that little boy was in the lazy river and nice enough to help Sam. Thankfully my wonderful sister can run well in water. Thank you so much Val! It's a good lesson never to assume someone else is watching the kids. Thank the Lord yesterday turned out to be a fun, memorable day instead of a tragic one.
I was relieved later in the day when Sam started to get tired and slowed down. This is how Sam spent the last hour of our day at White Water.
That was the most relaxing hour of the day!!!
I was relieved later in the day when Sam started to get tired and slowed down. This is how Sam spent the last hour of our day at White Water.
That was the most relaxing hour of the day!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
First girl purchase
Sunday, May 10, 2009
It seems like we have been waiting forever to find out who our little one is. I'm now 20 weeks pregnant. Friday was our BIG ultrasound day. I went in totally expecting a little boy. When the dr. told me it's a girl I about passed out. She went back and looked 4 times. I wanted to be sure! It's for sure. We are having a little girl. Her name will be Ruth Ayelen. Ruth after my granny and after Greg's grandma. My middle name is Ruth too. I had a dream yesterday about a Ruth Eileen. When I woke up I went to my baby name book and started going through it. I started with the A's. A logical place. I came across the name Ayelen. It is a Mapuche name. These people live in Chile and Argentina. Since Greg grew up in Chile he immediately loved it. It's very important to me that the name has a good meaning too. Ayelen means joy. Perfect. So our little girl is Ruth Ayelen! We can't wait to meet you princess!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
The joy of being mommy.
Today marked another momentous day at my house. Nate lost his 2nd tooth. The first one was lost about a month ago. Today the 2nd bottom tooth came out. He was so excited! We called grandmama right away. I went to get a baggie to put the tooth in and label it so we could leave it for the tooth fairy tonight. Nate had been carrying it around with him for about 3 minutes. I told him about 1200 times in that 3 minutes "Don't drop it". I held the bag out to him so he could put the tooth inside and what does he do? DROPS IT!!!! Right into the couch. I tried to recover it, but it slipped further down beyond where I could see. I stick my arm into the couch hoping it will be there, but no luck. What do I do? Like any good mother I proceed to tear apart the couch so my crying 6 1/2 year old can leave his tooth for the tooth fairy. After a good 20 minutes trying to locate the tooth I give up. My arm is now red and scratched up, but what else could I do? I reassured Nate that he could leave a note for the tooth fairy and I'm sure she will understand. Ugh! If only he would have listened to me! Anyway, here is a picture of Nate and his new hole.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It's time to fight back.
I've been reading a wonderful book called "Bringing up Boys" by Dr. James Dobson. With a house full of boys I thought it couldn't hurt. I am so glad I decided to read this book. It has changed my life forever. In this book Dr.Dobson talks about how we as parents have an obligation to our boys (children really, but his book is dealing mainly with boys). It talks about how our society and culture have had a horribly negative effect on our boys. I was starting to question if I would be homeschooling next year, but after reading this book I have never been more convinced that homeschooling is the right choice for my family.
Here are a couple paragraphs from Chapter 14 of this book entitled "Predators". "First, let's give priority to our children. In days gone by, the culture acted to shield them from harmful images and exploitations. Now it's open season for even the youngest among us. Let's put the welfare of our boys ahead of our own convenience and teach them the difference between right and wrong. They need to hear that God is the author of their rights and liberites. Let's teach them that He loves them and holds them to a high level of moral accountability.
Second, let's do everything in our power to reverse the blight of violence and lust that has become so pervasive across this land. Let's demand that the entertainment moguls stop producing moral pollutants. Let's recapture from the courts that system of self-rule that traditionally allowed Americans' to debate their deepest differences openly and reach workable solutions together. Radical individualism is destroying us! Postmodernism is a cancer that rots the soul of humanity. The creed that proclaims, "If it feels good, do it!" has filled too many hospitals with drug-overdosed teenagers, too many prison cells with fatherless youth, too many caskets with slain young people, and caused too many tears for bewildered parents. Finally, let's vow together to set for our children the highest standards of ethics and morality and to protect them, as much as possible, from evil and death. Our families can't be perfect, but they can be better - much better."
I have to fight first for my boys, but I am also obligated as a Christian to fight for those boys who don't have anyone willing to fight for them!
Here are a couple paragraphs from Chapter 14 of this book entitled "Predators". "First, let's give priority to our children. In days gone by, the culture acted to shield them from harmful images and exploitations. Now it's open season for even the youngest among us. Let's put the welfare of our boys ahead of our own convenience and teach them the difference between right and wrong. They need to hear that God is the author of their rights and liberites. Let's teach them that He loves them and holds them to a high level of moral accountability.
Second, let's do everything in our power to reverse the blight of violence and lust that has become so pervasive across this land. Let's demand that the entertainment moguls stop producing moral pollutants. Let's recapture from the courts that system of self-rule that traditionally allowed Americans' to debate their deepest differences openly and reach workable solutions together. Radical individualism is destroying us! Postmodernism is a cancer that rots the soul of humanity. The creed that proclaims, "If it feels good, do it!" has filled too many hospitals with drug-overdosed teenagers, too many prison cells with fatherless youth, too many caskets with slain young people, and caused too many tears for bewildered parents. Finally, let's vow together to set for our children the highest standards of ethics and morality and to protect them, as much as possible, from evil and death. Our families can't be perfect, but they can be better - much better."
I have to fight first for my boys, but I am also obligated as a Christian to fight for those boys who don't have anyone willing to fight for them!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Baby #4 Belly
Friday, March 13, 2009
Happy 5th Birthday Elijah!
I can't believe it's been 5 years since you were born. Amazing how fast time flies. I remember sitting in the car on the way to the hospital saying, "March 11th, Elijah Montgomery's birthday!" Seems like yesterday. I love you so much buddy and I am so proud of the big boy you are becoming. You have a fire in you and God is going to use that! Follow God sweetheart and you will succeed in whatever you do. I love you so much!!
Baby #4 Update
On March 10th we went to our regular OB appt. Since our specialist appt. got moved to the 19th my dr. decided to do another ultrasound to see if she still saw anything or not. In her words "I still want you to go to the specialist to get the official ok, but unofficially your baby is perfect!" That was music to our ears. We are so thankful for all the prayers that went up for our little baby. We know God has answered them. We will be going to the specialist next thursday. We are confident that we will recieve the same news then. Here is a picture of our little one.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Pregnancy Update
I've been pretty sick this pregnancy. More sick than I was with the boys. Very tired too. I have had to take naps in the afternoon and then I still end up in bed around 9:00 at night. I have realized that going to bed earlier at night helps the morning sickness. I will be 10 weeks tomorrow. I feel like the sickness is starting to ease up. I feel pretty good today. Only have a headache. I've had a lot of those lately.
Two weeks ago we went in for our early ultrasound. We got to see our beautiful baby and see the heart beating away. My dr. was concerned with something she saw on the ultrasound. She said the umbilical cord or the area around it looked a little different than she is used to seeing. She mentioned the word Gastroschisis. It is a type of inherited congenital abdominal wall defect in which the intestines and sometimes other organs develop outside the fetal abdomen through an opening in the abdominal wall. She has referred us to a genetic specialist who will do a more detailed ultrasound and run some other tests on March 13th. From research I have done I have found that the possibility of her seeing that particular defect on ultrasound that early is next to impossible. We are believing that all is well and come March 13th the specialist will send us away saying we have a perfectly healthy baby. I will be 12 weeks on March 13th. According to more research I have done that is the earliest point possible where we might be able to see if we are having a boy or girl. I'm hoping the detailed ultrasound can reveal that for us. We have pretty much decided on names although I am having second thoughts on the girls name.
If we have another boy his name will be Benjamin Gabriel.
Right now if we have a girl her name will be Zoe Ruth. Zoe is the name I'm having second thoughts about. Personally I would love to use the name Mabel Ruth, but Greg hates Mabel. Says it sounds too old. I love the meaning though. Mabel means "loveable". So cute! In my opinion anyway. We'll see.
Nate, Eli and Sam are doing good. When going to bed Nate always says, "Good night to the baby!". Nate has decided he would like to try the "big school". I have a call into the school here to see if he can visit sometime next week to see how things really are. We'll see! I think Eli is really dealing with the thoughts of having to compete with another child. So far I think he is having the hardest time trying to figure out what adding another baby means. I can feel his mind going all the time. We are going on a date tonight! I'm excited! Sam is a non-stop chatter box. The kid never quits. His new favorite phrase is, "What you doing?" It's so cute and so annoying at the same time.
Two weeks ago we went in for our early ultrasound. We got to see our beautiful baby and see the heart beating away. My dr. was concerned with something she saw on the ultrasound. She said the umbilical cord or the area around it looked a little different than she is used to seeing. She mentioned the word Gastroschisis. It is a type of inherited congenital abdominal wall defect in which the intestines and sometimes other organs develop outside the fetal abdomen through an opening in the abdominal wall. She has referred us to a genetic specialist who will do a more detailed ultrasound and run some other tests on March 13th. From research I have done I have found that the possibility of her seeing that particular defect on ultrasound that early is next to impossible. We are believing that all is well and come March 13th the specialist will send us away saying we have a perfectly healthy baby. I will be 12 weeks on March 13th. According to more research I have done that is the earliest point possible where we might be able to see if we are having a boy or girl. I'm hoping the detailed ultrasound can reveal that for us. We have pretty much decided on names although I am having second thoughts on the girls name.
If we have another boy his name will be Benjamin Gabriel.
Right now if we have a girl her name will be Zoe Ruth. Zoe is the name I'm having second thoughts about. Personally I would love to use the name Mabel Ruth, but Greg hates Mabel. Says it sounds too old. I love the meaning though. Mabel means "loveable". So cute! In my opinion anyway. We'll see.
Nate, Eli and Sam are doing good. When going to bed Nate always says, "Good night to the baby!". Nate has decided he would like to try the "big school". I have a call into the school here to see if he can visit sometime next week to see how things really are. We'll see! I think Eli is really dealing with the thoughts of having to compete with another child. So far I think he is having the hardest time trying to figure out what adding another baby means. I can feel his mind going all the time. We are going on a date tonight! I'm excited! Sam is a non-stop chatter box. The kid never quits. His new favorite phrase is, "What you doing?" It's so cute and so annoying at the same time.
Until later! Love and Blessings!
Monday, January 12, 2009
FFFB= Fourth and Final Fish Baby
That's right, I'm having another baby! I've always wanted 5 kids and Greg has always wanted 3, so when we got married we decided we would compromise at 4.
For the last week I had been noticing some pregnancy symptoms. A little bit of nausea (thankfully not too extreme), tiredness (I was falling asleep on the couch in the middle of the afternoon), more headaches, and just a general feeling that there was a baby growing inside of me. Well, yesterday at 4am I woke up and took a pregnancy test. This is what I saw. Can't get any more obvious than that. I was thrilled. I ran in and woke Greg up. This Christmas we got a card from a lady at the church. Inside it said "To Greg, Emily, Nathan, Elijah, Samuel and Baby Fish." At first I was offended and figured I better lose some weight. Then Greg said maybe the lady was a prophet. Turns out he was right and so was she. So that is how I broke the news to Greg. "Honey, turns out _______ is a prophet." Greg:"What?, Whatever." Emily: "I have the test to prove it. Wanna see?" Greg: "Whatever." Emily : "I'm serious, this is not a joke." It was pretty funny though. We are thrilled. He wasn't thrilled however that I woke him up at 4:30 am and he never got back to sleep. Oh well! We told the boys yesterday too. Both Nate and Eli looked at us and asked, "Really mom?" When we asked them if that would be ok, Nate said "yes", Eli said, "I dont' know yet." Guess you have to give white some time to process it. Sam just laid his head on my shoulder. Later I was helping the kids get ready for church. I was wearing drawstring shorts and had my shirt pulled down over the strings, so you could see the bulk from the strings though the shirt. Nate looked at it and pointed and said, "Mom, what is that?" I told him it was the strings and he said, "Oh, I thought it was a baby's foot." Too cute!
The baby is due to join our family on Sept. 25th. We are praying for a normal pregnancy. NO BEDREST! NO EARLY CONTRACTIONS! Health and happiness for everyone. We are so excited to meet the newest member of our family. I have my first dr.'s appt. next Wednesday at 1:40, so I'll update when I get back.
That's right, I'm having another baby! I've always wanted 5 kids and Greg has always wanted 3, so when we got married we decided we would compromise at 4.
For the last week I had been noticing some pregnancy symptoms. A little bit of nausea (thankfully not too extreme), tiredness (I was falling asleep on the couch in the middle of the afternoon), more headaches, and just a general feeling that there was a baby growing inside of me. Well, yesterday at 4am I woke up and took a pregnancy test. This is what I saw. Can't get any more obvious than that. I was thrilled. I ran in and woke Greg up. This Christmas we got a card from a lady at the church. Inside it said "To Greg, Emily, Nathan, Elijah, Samuel and Baby Fish." At first I was offended and figured I better lose some weight. Then Greg said maybe the lady was a prophet. Turns out he was right and so was she. So that is how I broke the news to Greg. "Honey, turns out _______ is a prophet." Greg:"What?, Whatever." Emily: "I have the test to prove it. Wanna see?" Greg: "Whatever." Emily : "I'm serious, this is not a joke." It was pretty funny though. We are thrilled. He wasn't thrilled however that I woke him up at 4:30 am and he never got back to sleep. Oh well! We told the boys yesterday too. Both Nate and Eli looked at us and asked, "Really mom?" When we asked them if that would be ok, Nate said "yes", Eli said, "I dont' know yet." Guess you have to give white some time to process it. Sam just laid his head on my shoulder. Later I was helping the kids get ready for church. I was wearing drawstring shorts and had my shirt pulled down over the strings, so you could see the bulk from the strings though the shirt. Nate looked at it and pointed and said, "Mom, what is that?" I told him it was the strings and he said, "Oh, I thought it was a baby's foot." Too cute!
The baby is due to join our family on Sept. 25th. We are praying for a normal pregnancy. NO BEDREST! NO EARLY CONTRACTIONS! Health and happiness for everyone. We are so excited to meet the newest member of our family. I have my first dr.'s appt. next Wednesday at 1:40, so I'll update when I get back.
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