Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More adventures with Sam.

The kids had been patient all day long. Because of the storms today they weren't able to swim when they wanted to. Finally around 6:00 mom and I decided to let them swim. We put floaties on everyone and watched them swim as we sat in the porch swing right beside the pool. Valery came out and we sat there talking while the kids swam. Eli was the first to be finished swimming so I took his floaties off and he headed inside to the bath. Sam was next. We pulled him out and took his floaties off. Sam was playing on the deck with Addy. My eyes were on the pool the whole time. All of the sudden I saw 2 white swim shirts in the pool and neither one had floaties on (Nate and Sam both have white swim shirts, but Sam always has his floaties on). Immediately I jumped up and into the pool and grabbed Sam. I'm not really sure how it happened. I guess Sam jumped in the pool without floaties and Nate saw him. Nate yelled "Sam!" and jumped in after him. Nate was trying to hold Sam up and rescue him. When I came up with Sam in my arms, Valery looked at me and said "What are you doing?! You are 6 months pregnant." It never crossed my mind to yell at Val or Mom to jump in a get him. I just did what I had to do. My kid was in danger! I was fully clothed in a nice new skirt. I always wondered how I would react in a situation like that. I guess now I know. Ruthie and I are fine. She has been moving good all night. I'm thankful because for a few seconds I forgot I was pregnant. Apparently Sam is going to test my parenting skills. First White Water and now this. I'm afraid to ask, "What's next?"

1 comment:

Kim said...

Goodness! That little Sam. Glad you all (you, Ruthie and Sam) are okay. Tell Nate I'm proud of him and watchful eye.