I've been reading a wonderful book called "Bringing up Boys" by Dr. James Dobson. With a house full of boys I thought it couldn't hurt. I am so glad I decided to read this book. It has changed my life forever. In this book Dr.Dobson talks about how we as parents have an obligation to our boys (children really, but his book is dealing mainly with boys). It talks about how our society and culture have had a horribly negative effect on our boys. I was starting to question if I would be homeschooling next year, but after reading this book I have never been more convinced that homeschooling is the right choice for my family.
Here are a couple paragraphs from Chapter 14 of this book entitled "Predators". "First, let's give priority to our children. In days gone by, the culture acted to shield them from harmful images and exploitations. Now it's open season for even the youngest among us. Let's put the welfare of our boys ahead of our own convenience and teach them the difference between right and wrong. They need to hear that God is the author of their rights and liberites. Let's teach them that He loves them and holds them to a high level of moral accountability.
Second, let's do everything in our power to reverse the blight of violence and lust that has become so pervasive across this land. Let's demand that the entertainment moguls stop producing moral pollutants. Let's recapture from the courts that system of self-rule that traditionally allowed Americans' to debate their deepest differences openly and reach workable solutions together. Radical individualism is destroying us! Postmodernism is a cancer that rots the soul of humanity. The creed that proclaims, "If it feels good, do it!" has filled too many hospitals with drug-overdosed teenagers, too many prison cells with fatherless youth, too many caskets with slain young people, and caused too many tears for bewildered parents. Finally, let's vow together to set for our children the highest standards of ethics and morality and to protect them, as much as possible, from evil and death. Our families can't be perfect, but they can be better - much better."
I have to fight first for my boys, but I am also obligated as a Christian to fight for those boys who don't have anyone willing to fight for them!
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