Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The hand of God!

8 weeks ago, while admiring Ruthie, a girl at church noticed a small bump on above her nose. After a little research I decided to leave it alone and see if it went away. Last week while at the dr. office checking Ruthie's ears I asked the Dr. to look at the bump. She decided to send us to the hospital for an ultrasound. So on Oct. 20th we went in. On Monday the 25th we went into our Dr. to find out the results of the ultrasound. Our Dr. wasn't sure of the diagnosis so she wanted to refer us to an ENT. Ruthie had an ear infection the week before so I asked her to please check her ears to see if they had cleared up. She said that one ear was still red even after antibiotics so that was another reason to go to the ENT. I called twice on Tuesday to get the referral information. Finally it was ready. I had decided I would go pick up the paperwork after I picked up the boys at school. I decided to meet Greg for lunch, go do early voting, go look at a loveseat someone wanted to sell us and then go home to give the kids naps before picking up the boys at school. On our way home with the loveseat we realized Greg's van was at the church, so I had to take him back. When he got out of the car he said, "You need to go pick up the referral at ABC (the name of our Dr.'s office)." I decided he was right (and I was anxious to see when our appt with the ENT was). I arrived at the dr. office around 1:30pm. I asked for the referral and was handed a white envelope. I turned to walk out and glanced down at the envelope to see what was written on it. It said APPT: 11/19/10 5:25PM I immediately turned around and walked back to the desk.

Me: "I can't wait for this appt. My daughter has an ear infection now and the dr. doesn't want to give her medicine until she sees the ENT."

Nurse: Takes the envelope from me and calls the ENT's office and explains the situation to them. Then says to me, "The soonest they can get you in the 8th."

Me: "That is not acceptable. I need an appt. this week or I need medicine for my daughter."

Nurse: "I can try Dr. Nguyen's office."

Me: "That would be great. Thank you."

After talking to Dr. Nguyen's office the nurse asks me if I can be there by 2:30. Of course I can! It's now 1:50. I thank the nurse again for making the phone calls for me. Then I start making phone calls. First to Racheal to let her know I can't join her for lunch at my house, then to Greg to let him know we have an appt and I'm on my way to pick him up, then to Stacy to see if she can pick up the boys from school, then to family to let them know what is going on. It was kind of a crazy afternoon.

We arrive at the office at 2:20 and fill out all the paperwork. At 3:00 we go in to meet with the dr. I guess the reports from the radiologist gave a diagnosis of "possible glioma". That is when the bones in the head didn't fuse like they should have and some brain matter has squeezed through the hole left between the bones. The first question the Dr. asked us was who gave us that diagnosis. He thought it was odd to give that diagnosis after just an ultrasound. He said he was not convinced of that at all. He asked us some questions and then said he would like to watch the bump and see what happens. He started to go on about Ruthie's ears when I asked, "So we are just going to watch it and not do a CT scan or anything?" He thought for a minute and then said we should go ahead and do the CT scan. That makes me think he is just trying to cover himself and give me peace of mind. I would rather know for sure than to wait and see. Ruthie is scheduled for a CT scan at 9am on Friday morning the 29th.

The Dr. was very encouraging with what he told us. I am anxious to get the results of the scan so we can get on with our lives.

I was in awe as I saw God work today. Is it coincidence that I decided to go pick up the referral when I did instead of waiting? If I had waited I would not have gotten into Dr. Nguyen today and probably would have had to settle for the Nov.8th appt. Is it a coincidence that even after antibiotics her ear was still red but today when the ENT looked at her ears they looked fine? Had it not been red the day before I don't think we would have been able to get into the ENT early. Is it a coincidence that these events lead us to the better Dr. in town? I think not! All of these things are the hand of God in my life and the life of my precious daughter. What a wonderful, caring God we serve!!

2 comments: said...

You are a good momma! I'm very proud of you!

Txstraub said...

Praises for God lining everything up perfectly and prayers for Ruthie and your family as you wait for the CT scan.