Sunday, September 27, 2009

God's commandments

Nate and Eli were running around this morning fighting.
Eli came in to the office with a white teddy bear that he took from the church a few months ago. I didn't know where it came from until about 3 weeks ago when he came to me and said "Mom I stole this bear from the church." I told him to make sure he took it back.

He just brought the bear in the office.
Eli: I'm taking this back to the church. (With a very proud look on his face.)
Me: Good.
Nate: But Sammy likes it.
Me: Nate, he stole it from the church.
Nate :(looking at Eli in disbelief.) Why would you do that?
Eli: I didn't know God's commandments.

So cute!!!

A visit from my grandma

My grandma visited me lastnight in a dream. It started like any other dream. We were visiting this animal farm. My mom and dad were looking at pigs. For some reason they decided Stef needed a pig. I thought it was ridiculous so I walked away. I was holding Ruthie. I went and sat down at a table with Grandpa and Grandma. There was someone else at the table, but I couldn't make out the face. Grandpa and Grandma and I talked about how crazy it was that mom and dad would be buying a pig. The conversation stalled and I looked and grandma and started this conversation.

me: "Grandma, I wish you were still here."
Grandma: "Darlin I know. You just love those babies. I'm fine. Kiss that girl for me."
me: "I will. I wish I could have been there to tell you how much I love you."
Grandma: "I know you do. I love you more."

Then I woke up. Crying of course. What a special thing. I believe she used a dream to let me know everything was ok. I miss her so much!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Just a couple cute moments for the first two weeks of Ruthie's life.

About 5 days after Ruthie was born I went in to tell Nathan goodnight. This was our conversation.
Nate: "Mom, Ruthie is so special."
me: "You are right. You are special too buddy."
Nate: "Mom, I cried in my bed the day you brought her home. I feel like crying now too."
Me: "Why?"
Nate: "Because everyone is special."
What a sweet big brother!

Sam: "Mommy, Ruthie said her first word!"
me: "What did she say?"
Sam: "I love Sammy."

Eli will sit by Ruthie no matter where she is and rub her head and talk to her.

The boys are so precious with her. They are being very helpful. What good big brothers Ruthie has.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ruth Ann Ayelen is here!!!

She is finally here and she is beautiful!! We arrived at the hospital a little after noon on Sept.13th. I got checked in and all was set up. When they put the heart monitor on the baby they told us her heartbeat was too fast. It was in the 190's. It should be around 160. They were a little nervous about that. They started giving me IV fluid thinking I was dehydrated. Dr. Danielson broke my water around 1:00. I was 3 cm dilated. Because baby's heartbeat was fast they decided to put on an internal monitor. It attaches to the baby's head and gives a more accurate reading. I started having contractions, but they weren't very strong or consistant. Around 4:30 Dr. Danielson came in to check my progress. She told me that if I hadn't dilated anymore that she would have to start pitocin. I hadn't made any progress so pitocin was started probably around 5:00. Within 10 minutes I was starting to feel contractions. They felt like they were very close. I barely had a break in between. I finally asked the dr. if I could get up and she said I could. I used my birthing ball and stood some. Around 6:30 I started to feel pressure. Greg went and got the nurse so she could check me. I was 6 cm dilated and in a lot of pain. After she checked me I couldn't get up out of the bed. The contractions were coming too fast. Greg was scratching my arm trying to sooth me. He kept telling me I was doing so good. About 6:45 I told Greg I couldn't do it anymore. I needed medicine NOW!!! He went out and told them I was ready for meds. About 2 contractions later I told Greg I felt like pushing and he needed to get someone. The nurse came rushing in and checked dilation during a contraction to see how far down baby was. That pain was so horrible!!! She ran to the door and said, "She's complete, someone call Dr. Danielson." When I head those words I had two thoughts, relief and NO, I need meds!! Right away two nurses were at my side. My body kept trying to push but the nurses kept telling me no. The nurse on my right would tap me on the shoulder really hard and say, "Emily, open your eyes, blow." I was so frustrated with her because at that point the pain was coming from not being allowed to push. I know they wanted the dr. there, but it hurt so bad. After what we think was about 10 minutes I finally saw my dr. Her face was one of shock. She only had time to put gloves on before Ruthie made her grand entrance. I have never been in more pain in my life, but I have never felt such a sense of accomplishment. I did what I have been planning on doing for the last nine months. I had a completely unmedicated labor and birth. I had done it with Sam (not by choice) but I wan't proud of the way I did it. I wanted to be proud of the way Ruthie came into the world. And I am! It wasn't easy, but it was worth every ounce of pain I went through. She is so amazing! I already love having a daughter. She weighed 7lbs. 2 oz. and was 20 1/4 inches long. Just perfect. We came home from the hospital last night. When we left she weighed 6lbs. 7 oz. She has been eatin great and pooping a lot so the nurses weren't concerned with the weight loss. Right now she is sitting in the swing bought with money from her GG. She has the pink blanky over her that her Beemy made. So precious. Here are a few pics of our first few days together.