I've been pretty sick this pregnancy. More sick than I was with the boys. Very tired too. I have had to take naps in the afternoon and then I still end up in bed around 9:00 at night. I have realized that going to bed earlier at night helps the morning sickness. I will be 10 weeks tomorrow. I feel like the sickness is starting to ease up. I feel pretty good today. Only have a headache. I've had a lot of those lately.
Two weeks ago we went in for our early ultrasound. We got to see our beautiful baby and

see the heart beating away. My dr. was concerned with something she saw on the ultrasound. She said the umbilical cord or the area around it looked a little different than she is used to seeing. She mentioned the word Gastroschisis. It is a type of inherited c
ongenital abdominal wall defect in which the intestines and sometimes other organs develop outside the fetal abdomen through an opening in the abdominal wall. She has referred us to a genetic specialist who will do a more detailed ultrasound and run some other tests on March 13th. From research I have done I have found that the possibility of her seeing that particular defect on ultrasound that early is next to impossible. We are believing that all is well and come March 13th the specialist will send us away saying we have a perfectly healthy baby. I will be 12 weeks on March 13th. According to more research I have done that is the earliest point possible where we might be able to see if we are having a boy or girl. I'm hoping the detailed ultrasound can reveal that for us. We have pretty much decided on names although I am having second thoughts on the girls name.
If we have another boy his name will be Benjamin Gabriel.
Right now if we have a girl her name will be Zoe Ruth. Zoe is the name I'm having second thoughts about. Personally I would love to use the name Mabel Ruth, but Greg hates Mabel. Says it sounds too old. I love the meaning though. Mabel means "loveable". So cute! In my opinion anyway. We'll see.
Nate, Eli and Sam are doing good. When going to bed Nate always says, "Good night to the baby!". Nate has decided he would like to try the "big school". I have a call into the school here to see if he can visit sometime next week to see how things really are. We'll see! I think Eli is really dealing with the thoughts of having to compete with another child. So far I think he is having the hardest time trying to figure out what adding another baby means. I can feel his mind going all the time. We are going on a date tonight! I'm excited! Sam is a non-stop chatter box. The kid never quits. His new favorite phrase is, "What you doing?" It's so cute and so annoying at the same time.
Until later! Love and Blessings!