FFFB= Fourth and Final Fish Baby
That's right, I'm having another baby! I've always wanted 5 kids and Greg has always wanted 3, so when we got married we decided we would compromise at 4.
For the last week I had been noticing some pregnancy symptoms. A little bit of nausea

(thankfully not too extreme), tiredness (I was falling asleep on the couch in the middle of the afternoon), more headaches, and just a general feeling that there was a baby growing inside of me. Well, yesterday at 4am I woke up and took a pregnancy test. This is what I saw. Can't get any more obvious than that. I was thrilled. I ran in and woke Greg up. This Christmas we got a card from a lady at the church. Inside it said "To Greg, Emily, Nathan, Elijah, Samuel and Baby Fish." At first I was offended and figured I better lose some weight. Then Greg said maybe the lady was a prophet. Turns out he was right and so was she. So that is how I broke the news to Greg. "Honey, turns out _______ is a prophet." Greg:"What?, Whatever." Emily: "I have the test to prove it. Wanna see?" Greg: "Whatever." Emily : "I'm serious, this is not a joke." It was pretty funny though. We are thrilled. He wasn't thrilled however that I woke him up at 4:30 am and he never got back to sleep. Oh well! We told the boys yesterday too. Both Nate and Eli looked at us and asked, "Really mom?" When we asked them if that would be ok, Nate said "yes", Eli said, "I dont' know yet." Guess you have to give white some time to process it. Sam just laid his head on my shoulder. Later I was helping the kids get ready for church. I was wearing drawstring shorts and had my shirt pulled down over the strings, so you could see the bulk from the strings though the shirt. Nate looked at it and pointed and said, "Mom, what is that?" I told him it was the strings and he said, "Oh, I thought it was a baby's foot." Too cute!
The baby is due to join our family on Sept. 25th. We are praying for a normal pregnancy. NO BEDREST! NO EARLY CONTRACTIONS! Health and happiness for everyone. We are so excited to meet the newest member of our family. I have my first dr.'s appt. next Wednesday at 1:40, so I'll update when I get back.