My three little ones are keeping me busy. Too busy to write on here obviously, but I thought I would take just a second as my groceries are calling my name to be put away. The kids are hungry, Sam needs to go down for a nap, but that all will have to wait while I do this. I know, I'm horrible. Although things have been busy they have been good. I am teaching the 3&4's Sunday school class, I am leading a women's Bible study on Wednesday nights, we have swimming lessons and fun summer activities that are going on around town, the Spanish service just got moved to 9:30 am on Sunday in the sanctuary, I have been helping out with Beth's kids since she had her 4th 4 days ago, scrapbooking, and all this on top of everyday normal things like laundry, playing with the kids, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, etc. etc. etc. Wow! I'm tired just thinking about it.
Nate turned 6 2 days ago! I can't believe it! Time goes so fast. When Greg brought the cake home for his party I fully expected it to say, "Happy 4th Birthday Nathan!" When I say Happy 6th Birthday my first reaction was, "They got it wrong!" Then it dawned on me
that I have a 6 year old!!!!!! It feels so crazy. I guess 6 is kind of the magic number from going to a little kid to just a kid. Some days I wish I could have my little mouse back! Then I look at him and the wonderful little (see I'm still thinking of him as little) boy he has become and how he knows about Jesus and loves him and how most of the time he loves his brothers and how he still comes up to me for hugs and he just wants to be held sometimes and realized how blessed I am. The way he is tells me that I'm not a complete failure as a parent (although there are definatly days I wonder why in the world the Lord thought he could trust me with 3). I'm doing something right because he is a really great kid (most of the time)!
Eli is doing well too. He broke is collar bone about a month ago. He was playing on the
window sill which he was not supposed to be doing and fell off. I think he hit a toy box on the way down. I was on the computer and heard him cry and ran in there. At first I thought it was just another one of those falls. I told him he would be fine and went on about my business. A couple minutes later he came in crying telling me it hurt. He has been grouchy all day so I told him to go take a nap (even though it was already 2pm). A couple minutes later he came in again and told me it hurt so I decided to take a look. After I had him lift up his arms so I could take off his shirt I realized his right arm looked a little funny. I immediately called
Greg and told him to bring me the car that I thought Eli had dislocated his shoulder or something. Greg was home within 10 minutes and Eli and I headed to the dr. After 3 hours at the dr. this is what the xray showed. We were referred to a specialist who put E in a brace. 2 1/2 weeks later we went back and the brace was taken off. The specialist wants to see him back in 4 weeks to make sure it is completely healed. I knew with 3 boys that a broken bone was inevitable, it was just a matter of when and which child. Thankfully it wasn't worse. Eli has also been doing swimming lessons. He as so scared of the water at first. He would hold onto my neck for dear life. After only 5 days he is loving the water and wants everyday to be swimming lesson day.
Sam is well... Sam. He is so precious, but man is he a handful. This morning I asked Nate where Sam was and he said in the bathroom. Immediately I thought of Sam playing in the toilet. When I went in instead of finding him splashing around in the disease infested waters of the toilet I find him sitting in the sink playing with everyones tooth brushes. Oh this child!! Not 5 minutes later I come in and he is on top of the dining room table. He is by far my m
ost curious and daring child. At swimming lessons the other day he got away from me for a second and headed straight for the water. If I had been one second further behind he would have ended up in the pool. The kid has no fear!! As much of a handful as he is he brings so much joy to this family. As our yellow (color code not jaudice) he is always making sure everyone is happy. He gives kisses andhugs spur of the moment and is always doing silly things, whether it be dancing in the middle of the floor of falling down on purpose to make you laugh. What a blessing!!
Greg and I celebrated 8 years of marriage on June 3rd. We were able to leave the kids with Beth and go on a date. We went to see a movie and then went to Texas Roadhouse. It was so nice!
Well, I better go finish putting away the groceries so I can get to ironing. UGH!!!