Life is good! A little crazy, but good. Life with 3 boys is awesome. Nate and Eli have adjusted very well to Sam. They love him so much! Sam is growing like crazy. He was 15lbs. 14 oz. at his last dr. appt. I had to take him in for pinkeye. His eye was completely swollen shut. Not a pretty sight. Thankfully he has recovered. He will be five months old tomorrow. It's amazing how quickly time passes! He is rolling over now. He loves to look at himself in the mirror. His newest thing is grabbing faces and pulling you toward him. I like to think that these are kisses. Sweet kisses!
Eli is doing great too! Growing everyday. He has turned 3 since I last wrote. He's gone from a baby to a little boy. He has slimmed down and is talking so well. He is very strong willed and we often butt heads. He likes to have the sippy cup he wants, if I give him the yellow plate he will cry until I give him the green plate (or whatever color he wants at the moment) or until I put my foot down. Sometimes the battle isn't worth it. As strongwilled as he is he is also so loving. I can't even count the number of times during the day he will come up to me and give hugs and kisses. Actually he is doing it as I type. So sweet!
Nate is getting ready to turn 5 next month. When did that happen?! He has learned all the letters in the alphabet and can recognize all of the capital letters. We are still working on the lower case. We will be driving around and he will ask, "Mom, what does VOGUE spell?" I was really impressed with that one! He is also learning what sounds the letters make. He is even reading Dick and Jane. What a smart kid!!
Greg and I are doing well too. We will be married 7 years next month! We've been together for 13 years in October! That's a long time. I guess that officially means I have been with him 1/2 of my life! That's crazy!!!!
I have decided to homeschool Nathan. I'm just taking it one year at a time. I'll will homeschool kindergarten and if it turns out to be too hard for me or if he doesn't like it, he will go to public school for first grade. If things go well, we will continue. I have many reasons for doing this and the more I pray about it and think about it the more convinced I become that it is the right thing for my family. I am really excited about taking this on.
Well, anyway, I have to get out the door for MOPS. I just wanted to give a quick update. I will try to write more often.