I'm not super proud of this birth story, but it is something I want Samuel to know about when he gets older. I am proud that I did it the way I did it, just not too proud of how I handled it. I'm so glad I experienced labor without medication, but in no way will I ever do it again. Labor without medication that it. I do plan on going through labor at least one more time.
Samuel Malachi
December 5th 1:48 pm
7 lbs. 5.9 oz. 20 inches
I went in for my induction at 7am. We sat in the waiting room until around 8am waiting for our room. I was taken in and asked a million questions. My dr. came in around 8:20 to break my water but the nurse hadn't started my IV yet so they had to wait. At 9:15 while I was waiting for my dr. to come back in they started my on pitocin. By 10:00 I was having regular contractions. My dr. came in around 10:30 and asked if I wanted to get the epidural before or after my water was broken. I told her I just wanted to make sure I got it while I still had time. My sister waited to late and had to deliver without medication. She said she would go ahead and call the anestheiologist and order my epidural before breaking my water. The epidural was really painful this time. Greg almost passed out on my twice. He literally had to leave the room. He was white as a ghost. I felt bad for him, but also thought it was pretty funny. When he got done with the epidural I had a feeling it wasn't right, but things were going numb, so I decided it was probably fine. The dr. came in and broke my water around 11:30. I was 3 cm dilated. I continued to feel pain in my back and pressure in my belly, so the anestheiologist was called back in. He said the baby was probably laying on my siatic nerve and the pain would go away as soon as he was past it. A few minutes later I told the nurse I felt like I had to push so she checked me and I was 4 cm. They turned me on my side to see if they could get the epidural to take effect everywhere. The pain only got worse with that. By this time I am really breathing hard through the contractions (with an epidural). Greg said he had never seen me like that. Again they called the anestheiologist back. My dr. came in at this time too. The anestheiologist told her that the pain was just my siactic. Greg asked the dr. if I could have IV drugs since the epidural wasn't working. I guess they gave me some, but not sure what they gave me. By this point I am starting to scream that I had to push. I felt so much pressure. The contractions were so painful. My dr. kept telling the anestheiologist that the pain I was having was not my siactic! They turned the pitocin off and I am yelling through every contraction. The dr. checks me and I am 6cm. I keep telling her I have to push. She said push it will help the rest of your cervix go away. The anestheiologist and the nurses are telling me to breathe through it and the dr. is telling them to shut up and for me to push. I felt the baby drop further down and started yelling that I didn't want to feel that again. The dr. said I know, but you have too. I don't know what time it was when the dr. checked me again, but she said, we need to get things ready or she is going to have this baby on the bed. About 7 nurses started running around my room getting things set up. It was a little scary, but I was in too much pain to care. Greg kept telling me of my progress. "Ok, his head is half way out, keep going". Ok, here comes the rest of it, ok, his head is out. " I was freaking out at this point, Begging God to help me and cussing like I've never cussed before at the same time. It felt like an out of body experience. My body was doing on thing while my mind was thinking another. It's almost like it couldn't control it. Finally the dr. said "Emily, look at me. One more push and he is out" So I gave it everything I had and out came Samuel Malachi at 1:48 pm. From first contraction to delivery it was 4 1/2 hours. Pretty darn fast. The medicine they gave me didn't take away any of the pain. I felt it all! I guess whatever they gave me through the IV did have and effect on me though because as soon as he was out I felt like I couldn't keep my eyes open. I was literally falling asleep on the bed. That only lasted until they put my beautiful boy in my arms. AMAZING! Thank God for a healthy baby!!