Sunday, November 12, 2006


Well, it's been a week since I've been off bedrest. Everyone thought I would have this baby a couple of days after I got up and around, but so far nothing. Nothing significant anyway. I've had a couple of nights this week that I thought for sure we were having a baby, but then teh contractions just quit. I did a little bit of research on something called prodromal labor and it seems to be what I have.

Often in the past prodromal labor has been given the misnomer "false labor", yet every woman experiencing it has said in frustration "There's nothing false about what I'm feeling!" The misunderstanding has arisen because prodromal labor can feel very much like active labor, yet is not consistently progressive; it does not lead without a break to the birth of the baby. It does, though, serve an important function in the birth process. Prodromal labor does the preliminary work of preparing the uterus, baby and cervix for birth. All of this work has to be done before the baby can be born. Some women's bodies do it all without her being aware of it. However, some women's bodies draw a great deal of attention to the work being done. Too much sometimes.

"This is driving me crazy," one pregnant mother sighed. "I've been having contractions off and on now for three days. Just when I think it's time to call my midwife, they completely stop again!"


Prodromal labor contractions may begin hours or even days before active labor.

The contractions may feel like Braxton Hicks contractions or they may be quite a bit stronger.

They are irregular in length, frequency and intensity. The key word here is irregular. In general though, they are not longer than a minute and not more frequent than 7 to 10 minutes apart. They shouldn't be so intense that they take your breath away.

They may or may not be affected by your activity. The wisest course is to vary your activity level, alternating periods of mild activity with rest.

Physical Effects:

The cervix is moving from a posterior (back) position to an anterior (forward) position.

The cervix is softening.

The cervix is beginning its effacement or thinning. It may thin anywhere from 0% to 50% during this stage.

You may lose your mucous plug from the cervix.

Your cervix may begin to dilate, opening anywhere from 1 to 4 centimeters.
Emotional Effects:

You may be quite excited when you first feel these contractions, especially if they are stronger than any you've had until now.

As time goes on and the contractions continue without any apparent progress you may feel let down and eventually become quite tired and discouraged.

This described exactly how I've been feeling. Once the contractions were so strong I was in tears. I'm encouraging this kiddo to make is appearance by being really active. Lots of cleaning and walking. And other things I won't mention. I even made "labor brownies" today. The ingredients are the same as in regular brownies, so I'm not putting much hope in these. Although I am convinced that eating BBQ pork ribs sent me into labor with Eli. Maybe I'll try that again. I still have 4 weeks to go in the pregnancy, so I still have some time, I'm just getting impatient because I expected him to be here already. I am 35 weeks 3 days today. Nate was born at 35 weeks 3 days and Eli at 36 weeks 6 days, so I'm pretty sure we will have a baby within the next 2 weeks. He could surprise me though.

I'm just so happy to finally be able to get off the couch and clean my kitchen and do the laundry and spank the kids! Who thought I'd ever say that?!! I think the kdis are probably happy to have their mom back too. Greg did an awesome job playing Mr. Mom, but I know he was getting sick of it. He is probably the happiest of us all!!! Thanks honey!

I think tomorrow I am going to make a trip out to the shed and get out our Christmas decorations. The kids and I will put up everything but the tree and the outside lights. Greg gets the honor of putting up the lights (his least favorite job ever!). I'm kind of thinking it would be fun to wait until Sam is born to put up the tree. Unless he decides to wait until after Thanksgiving. If he isn't here by then we are putting it up without him. Sorry buddy. I'm so anxious for Christmas. I also need to see if I can find my non-maternity clothes. I looked the other day, but didn't see them. I think I missed about 3 boxes though, so hopefully they are in there. If not I guess I'll just have to go buy some new ones. Not too many though. Greg and I are planning on going on a diet after Sam comes. Val wrote out for us what she had done and we are going to follow that. Val has lost a lot of weight and she looks awesome! WAY TO GO VAL!!! Ok, I think that is it for now. See ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEAH, so proud of you and Greg and the sacrifices you both have made for Samuel.
Just about got it now honey!
So looking forward to seeing our new little buddy!
God continue to bless you!
Enjoy this time, it's a really sweet one.